AN URGENT PRAYER REQUEST FOR MYSELF. Hey saints, I am supposed to - TopicsExpress


AN URGENT PRAYER REQUEST FOR MYSELF. Hey saints, I am supposed to fly out to Arizona in the morning in order to join Anthony Rogers and others to do some teaching for local evangelists, missionaries and/or apologists. As many of you already know, I really suffer from claustrophobia since I start to panic badly at being locked in a small place. It doesnt help that I am also the heaviest Ive been in years. It is so bad that I started to panic at home thinking of the flight. Suffice it to say, this is really depressing since this has become a handicap that has hindered me from going to places to teach people. I was invited to go to Australia and the U.K., which I had to turn down due to my phobia. I really need the grace, mercy and compassion of the Lord Jesus to cover me and keep me clam, otherwise I will not be able to enter the plane, thereby robbing the brothers and sisters in Arizona who are expecting me to show up. I could have taken the train but it would have taken me at least 3 days to get there. Therefore, my only hope is to be able to overcome my phobia by the power of the risen Lord and get on that plane and head there and back by Gods grace. Once again, sorry for bothering you with my silly and pathetic issues. And I do thank you for caring enough to bear with me and pray for me. Lord knows I truly appreciate it.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 23:10:59 +0000

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