******ANALYSIS, OBJECTIVITY AND DIGESTIONS****** ************************************************************************** For 500 years or less ago, the whiteman infiltrated/penetrated the Virgin-Primitive-African Continent out of curiosity. Upon their arrival, they observed with keen interest the naive and primitiveness of these folks and came up with something very STRONG AND POWERFUL.. Christianity, the Word of GOD!They met oppositions from the Natives who were determined to FACE them with their primitive attitude. The only way out or method for the Early Whiteman was to bring in Chris- tianity and preach it to the people with the HOPE and in order to get even or through with their well-conceived plan. They wanted/intended to give the primitive-African people hope, to make them keep BELIE- VING that theres SOMETHING to Hope on and have Faith in...while they USED them(and are still using them till date in a more civilized manner?), stretched them, raped them, scattered them all over the surface of the Earth with various settlements like Jamaica, Surinam, Haiti, Barbados, some in Columbia, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Cayman Island, Curacao, etc. Some like us were still lucky to have escaped the deportation or confusion of being deported by FORCE all over the world. Lets get down with the reaL issue on the Turn- Table now, WHY is it that the left-over Africans who were NOT cap- tured at the time those who still RECOGNIZES their Africa and at- least know their ROOTS being MORE CATHOLIC THAN THE POPE himselF?? The Whiteman who introduced this Religion in the first place pre- sently mocks, laughs at the African Folks because of their Art and ways of shouting, preaching, GOD GOD GOD always to the extent that the same Whiteman as early as the 1970s introduced another form of making wealth by asking the primitive IDIOT Africans to do- nate and donate in the house of God until you have no more money to feed your immediate family anymore?? You are told that as you do this, youll be blessed and doors of opportunities will open up for YOU?? hahaha!!! The last on the list is: Why do THEY seem to su- cceed more than You and me the IDIOTS?? WORTHY OF NOTE Please: No one is asking anyone NOT to believe in their various religion or what have you? No one is trying to discourage anyone, but the Question is: Why all this chaos and make-believe in Reli- gious matters? Who initiated Religion, which land or race amongst the White Race introduced and started Christianity in the first place? Yes there is GOD O as they have come to make people believe, but the best thing is: KARMA, Law of retributive returns, Law of reap what you Sow, Law of meeting your Waterloo as time goes on! These last four rules is happening alright, the UNIVERSE revolves mostly around these 4 Laws. Another Question is: Why would the same God brought to us be abandoned by the same White Folks who brought it in the first place?? What has the most Gods Institutions turned into? money-making adventure?? Which one or which Denomination is reaL?? Why is it that the most Faithful are the ones wallowing in ABJECT Poverty even after they have given all they have in the said Church Offering?? I Need Answers and convictions please!!! Forgive me if i have touched anyone in their sensitive part, please. Theres no need to keep feeding the public with Common sweets-Lies and fake Lip-sevices!!! Sending
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 20:23:27 +0000

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