ANAMBRA 2013: INEC ADMITS IRREGULARITIES..... For the first time - TopicsExpress


ANAMBRA 2013: INEC ADMITS IRREGULARITIES..... For the first time in the electoral history of Nigeria, an electoral umpire statutorily charged with responsibilities of being the eyes of Nigerians in elections admits knowledge of irregularities in an election it supervised on behalf of WE THE PEOPLE, an unethical and criminal act by its officials against the people and the constitution of Nigeria. While I commend INEC Chairman for this admission of irregularities perpetrated by its staff in cooperation with the political class of all shades, we need to see actions taken by INEC to remedy and an assurance that Anambra election irregularities will mark an end to its staff circumventing the VOICE OF NIGERIANS or VOTES. INEC is not the only electoral umpire that use its staff to perpetrate these criminal acts against the people; State electoral umpires are even worst in these regard as witnessed across this nation in Local Council. S-elections. No state government appointed electoral bodies has ever conducted Local Government election in Nigeria, they simply do everything to rubber stamp a list provided by the ruling parties in states. The Governors forum election also points a reasonable person to conclude that irregularities is the culture ingrained in electoral process. The process of selecting party flag bearers also need revisiting. While party leaders continue to insist on concensors, it must be consensus based on peoples perception of a fair and open process that accords the people the opportunity to independently access those who wish to offer themselves to serve the people. Democracy is a process of consensus building by the people through their votes. The basis for the ease in which the political class has been able to silence the voice of Nigerians in elections is the power of appointed Election returning officer to announce election results which can only be challenged in courts or election tribunals whose records of decisions have been of concern to Nigerians in recent times. The TIME is NOW for these power of monarchy to be removed from election returning officers. The only difference between Anambra State Governorship election and every other election is that one political party broke the golden rule of rigging an election, which is that you can not rig an election where your party is not the popular choice of the people in an electoral boundary. When this happens its either the party is greedy or stupid. The TIME is NOW to also remedy the statutory omission in the electoral Act which gives electoral bodies consent not to display voters list to the public at least 30 days to an election, providing political parties a list of registered voters 30 days before an election is a process put in place for the purpose of rigging voters list by political parties and it must be expunged. Until the powers of electoral returning officers to announce election result with the sole objective of pushing adjudication to election tribunals with a cost implication to proper representation of over 100million Naira in Legal fees is another slick way of rigging in favour of leading party with access to state funds. Hmmmmm......I HAVE A DREAM..... Nigerians, WE SHALL OVERCOME SOME DAY
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 10:35:49 +0000

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