ANC think people of South Africa are Stupid They sell our Country - TopicsExpress


ANC think people of South Africa are Stupid They sell our Country they Think we cant see, they thought wrong we know everything about them, OK why Gwede Mantashe said parliament must move from Cape town to Pretoria is because police didnt take any action against our member on parliament on 21-08-14 because they didnt see any violent Gwede was think my be they will enter inside and shoot our member then Helen Zile cannot authorize such a cruel idea like that, ANC they must learn to face the truth , why they provoke Thuli madontsela when she is doing her Job ,she have been hired to do the job, then you are against it, what they are doing is very wrong, bulelani ncuka from scorpion they said he didnt do his job and vusi pikoli the same things now is thuli Please south Africa wake up ,this is the time to fight for our country back. only intelligent people of south Africa can see that but if you still supporting what ANC doing you are a stupid you dont know why u leave ANC is operated by stupid old leader who condemned by apartheid government, that is why they sell this country to the same apartheid people VIVA EFF VIVA Julius Malema we will support your struggle till they kill us like people of marikana VIVA fighters VIVA.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 06:39:08 +0000

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