ANCIENT AFRICAN HISTORY The First The original and correct name - TopicsExpress


ANCIENT AFRICAN HISTORY The First The original and correct name of Africa is Alkebulan. Africans (Alkebulanians) were the first humans on this planet 200,000 years ago. They were in East Africa/Alkebulan in the Nile Valley region. It was not until 170,000 years later — which was only 30,000 ago — that the first white person came into existence in the Caucasus Mountain area. Africans (Alkebulanians) created the first language in the West African/Alkebulan country now called Ghana. That language is Twi and Khui. Air Conditioning Concept 3000 BC The Egyptians (who are correctly called the Kemites) poured water in shallow clay trays that were placed on beds of straw. This was done at night so that, during the natural evening temperature drop, evaporation would cause a cooling effect in the rooms where the trays were located. Amen 2500 BC This word, which Christians now use at the end of their prayers, was originally spelled Amun and it means "the hidden one." It was the last name of the highest Egyptian (Kemetic) deity. In fact, around 1360 BC, the Egyptian (Kemetic) ruler Seti The Great was worshipped as the god Amun. The Hebrews later adopted the word, changed its meaning, and then passed it on to the Christians. It must be noted that the word Christ is not derived from Europe. The word actually comes from the pharaonic Egyptian (Kemetic) expression "kher sesheta," which means "he who watches over the mysteries." It was not until after 300 AD that Christians finally started referring to Jesus as Christ. Also, the Bible makes it absolutely clear that Jesus did not have the complexion of a white man but instead had the complexion of a dark man. Revelations 2:18 mentions “feet... like fine brass” (which is a brownish color) and Daniel 7:9 mentions “hair... like pure wool” (which is locks or an Afro). Geometry Tacokoma 1500 BC (circa) Tacokoma, like Tishome who invented calculus and Ahmes who invented algebra, was a brilliant Egyptian (Kemetic) mathematician. Handshake 2800 BC This contact between two persons signified the conferring of power from a god to an earthly Egyptian (Kemetic) ruler. As a matter of fact, in the so-called hieroglyphic (correctly called medu netcher) picture writings, the verb "to give" is drawn as an extended hand. This is where the European named Michelangelo got his idea for the Sistine Chapel drawing. Toothbrush 3000 BC In order to clean and strengthen their teeth, the Egyptians (Kemites) used a chew stick, which was a pencil-sized twig with one end frayed to a soft, fibrous condition. Toothpaste 2000 BC The Egyptians (Kemites) made toothpaste from powdered pumice stone and strong wine vinegar that they brushed onto a chew stick. This was much different from the early Roman toothpaste that was made from human URINE(!), which the Romans also used as a mouth wash. In fact, Roman physicians around 100 AD claimed that brushing with urine whitened teeth and fixed them more firmly in the sockets. And wealthy Roman women paid dearly for foreign urine, especially Portuguese urine. Wedding Ring 2800 BC To the Egyptians (Kemites), a circle, which has no beginning and no end, signified eternity, just as marriage signifies an eternal bond. To My African Brothers and Sisters: Before ending this version of the “We Did It-They Hid It” list (which is a condensed work in progress), I must give a major “shout out” to Henry E. Baker, one of the first Black Patent Examiners in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and a Harvard Law School graduate. He was an Assistant Patent Examiner who dedicated his career to uncovering and publishing the contributions of Black inventors. We know much of what we know about Black inventors in America because of his detailed and relentless work as shown in his four large volumes of patent drawings of inventions by Blacks and because of his book entitled The Black Inventor. Apart from that, bibliographical information about any of the material in this “We Did It-They Hid It” list is available upon request.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 10:55:35 +0000

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