****ANCIENT GODS DEMONS GHOSTS SPIRITS ANUNNAKI**** ****ANUNNAKI ARE NOT WHO YOU THINK**** These so called Gods are not God as they would have anyone believe. They are multi-dimensional mind parasites who have achieved immortality and prey on humanity. They feed on negative energies and fear and death and destruction and want to be God and can make people think they are Gods but nothing can be further from the truth. They are in fact multi-dimensional mind parasites. They make humans act out their most destructive behaviors and reap the rewards of the outcome. The clues left behind by the ancients were not so called records of their greatness but rather a warning to mankind of their existence and they are still here although 99% of the people are unable to see them. They want people to think they are Gods or aliens or anything but what they truly are. Many clues have been left behind but it takes a special person to see who they are. There is big difference between a [twisted truth] and [truth that has been twisted] Very few posses the wisdom to discover the truth about them and intellect has nothing to do with it, as a matter of fact science serves as an intricate veil of deception to most all who approach this in that fashion. These beings have been here for eons and they thirst for the control of the entirety galaxies. They dont care about love because it is contradictory to their agendas. They seek to deceive and destroy and build up their further control of beings that enter into spiritual contract with them by doing perceived evil on the planet in this density at this time. We are their prisoners [slaves] and some may ask [well where is your proof]??? [I-AM] is the only proof and it is very hard for rational people to believe the truth and they are counting on this to keep their cover, I have spent years uncovering the truth behind these beings at great cost. Let those who are wise hear my words. I am not nor will set this before anyone as absolute truth for the sake of argument and weed out the unworthy of information acquired. As I say only the wise will heed thee words I share with you here and [NOW] Therefore let the attack begin. I suspect I will be persecuted to the fullest for sharing this and it is of no consequence it will only validate my tellings. Peace be with you all NAMSTE! youtube/watch?v=WBo24sIPCOM
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 00:44:03 +0000

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