AND BY A PROPHET THE LORD BROUGHT ISRAEL OUT OF EGYPT, AND BY A PROPHET WAS HE PRESERVED. (Hosea 12:13). . . Your lifting and prosperity is tied to the man sent to you by God. . Prophets/man of God to you are not those that put on physical robes like the acient prophets neither the man that put on suits and ties, nor he that put on a cap with a rod in his hand with a jiant cross in-between his chest. . . In this new dispensational move of God, Prophets are men that are called and anointed by God, (Joel 2:28) that speaks the word of God with power, (1Cor.4:20) and placed in one of the five-fold ministerial offices, (Eph.4:11) to carry out a liberation mandate to the oppressed (Luke 4:18) (Acts 10:38) they are sent as oracles of God, carrying the grace and mercies of God to the dieing world. . . When ever men under affliction of the devils craves Gods attention for deliverance, He sends His word through the agency of His, the prophets (proclaimers of Gods word with power) to deliver them (Ps.107:20) if they would believe in him. . ...Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe His prophets, so shall ye prosper.(2Chron.20:20). . . How do i know a man/prophet sent to me, seeing there are too many issues in the world concerning the services of God today?. . . Firstly: He comes to you with the word of God, else he is not of God but an anti-Christ, no matter what he or she may be saying, claiming to be. . ...if they speak not according to this word, its because there is no light in them.(Isa.8:20). . . Friends lets not be deceived by those who tells your past life history, or calling your phone numbers or your home address etc. These are fortune telling, its witchcrafting in disguise, dont be carried away be wise. For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirrit by measure unto him(John 3:34). . . Secondly: He imparts your life: there is an irony in our sosiety today, many out of fear had remained under a wrong places, & person whom God had not sent to them, now make no mistake about this, when you remain under a wrong minister you cant be imparted by his word, and your life remains stunted, your future blinked, and your destiny remains at stake. . When ever you meet with a man of God sent to you, his word will be full of grace and impactfull to your spirit & your life (Luke 24:32) and you will know indeed with a witness in your spirit that he is a gift from God to you, (Eph.4:8-12). . . Thirdly: He distributes love, mercy and truth, not condemnation or judgmental: they offer spiritu & godly solutions not sensual. They communicate life and not destruction (Col.4:6) they produce good fruits (Matth.7:15-20). Be careful, sincere, and honest for the devil presents himself like an angel of light in disguise, so be watchful. ...for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. (2Cor.11:14). I like to stop here, hope to hear your comments, God bless you.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 15:54:32 +0000

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