AND HE SAID UNTO HIS FATHER, MY HEAD, MY HEAD MEMORY VERSE: And he said unto his father, My head, my head. And he said to a lad, Carry him to his mother. 2 Kings 4:20 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Matthew 17-20 2 Kings 4:18 says and when the child was grown, it fell on a day, that he went out to his father to the reapers. The good ‘thing’, the son, the Lord gave to the Shunamite woman grew. That good ‘thing,’ spiritual gift, relationship, favour, must grow. The boy did not only increase in stature, he became useful to his father. The boy became an asset not a liability. Friend, are you an asset in the body of Christ? Have you grown to the point where Christ can now commit kingdom resources into your hands? Have you grown to that point where heaven can now assign kingdom assignments into your hands? One day this boy went out with his father to the reapers. Whilst there, he began to complain of mild headache. After a short while, this mild headache turned to migraine. 2 Kings 4:19 says and he said unto his father, My head, my head. And he said to a lad, Carry him to his mother. Did you notice that the boy shouted ‘my head’ more than once, which shows there was a persistent cry? The man waited until his son began to roll on the floor and shout ‘my head’, ‘my head’, before doing something. One would have expected this man to jump into action the moment the boy complained of headache. He was his only son, God’s gift to his family. After much crying, he lazily asked one of his servants to take the boy to his mother. What kind of father behaves in this fashion? Your only son, son of your old age, is sick; you ask someone to take him to his mother and continue working. Friend, are you treating that good ‘thing’, that opportunity, with levity? What is your attitude to that good ‘thing’, connection, relationship, ministry, God has put in your hands? Sadly, the boy passed away. The wife asked him to send one of the young men with one of the asses to her; she needed to run to the man of God. One would have expected this man to ask after the welfare of his sick son. He did not! All he said was, ‘why go to today, it is not new moon or Sabbath.’ He completely forgot that his only son was sick. Have you now become negligent and careless concerning the precious heavenly resources that the Lord committed into your hands? Are you now so busy with religious activities that you are now beginning to neglect your family? Is your pursuit for worldly things, ‘those things the gentiles seek,’ taking your attention from the resources God has committed into your hands? This man was so busy with financial gains that he did not even know that his only son was dead. PONDER: Am i beginning to treat God’s favour upon my life with levity? Bro Samuel | Reaching the world for Jesus. twitter@BroOluwatoki
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 09:03:09 +0000

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