AND HE WAS GIVEN THE KEY TO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT! END OF THE WORLD WARNINGS! SEEK JESUS CHRIST WHILE HE CAN STILL BE FOUND! WE MUST FIND HIM NOW WHILE HIS GRACE AND MERCY STILL ABOUND!!! Revelation chapter 9 VS 1-6 And the FIFTH ANGEL SOUNDED, and I saw a STAR FALL from HEAVEN unto the EARTH: and to HIM was GIVEN the KEY of the BOTTOMLESS PIT. (Note, We must look through our Lord Gods Spiritual eyes in order to see what is taking place in the physical. The KEY to the bottomless pit REPRESENTS TECHNOLOGY given unto the POWERS that be, which manifest such a thing called CERN, which is the KEY/ technology created in order to OPEN the BOTTOMLESS PIT, the PORTAL to HELL, so to speak!) And he OPENED the BOTTOMLESS PIT (HELL); and there AROSE A SMOKE OUT of the PIT, as the SMOKE of A GREAT FURNACE; and the SUN and the AIR WERE DARKENED by reason of the SMOKE of the PIT (HELL). And there CAME OUT of the SMOKE LOCUSTS upon the EARTH: and unto THEM was GIVEN POWER, as the SCORPIONS of the EARTH HAVE POWER. And it was COMMANDED THEM that THEY SHOULD NOT hurt the grass of the EARTH, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but ONLY THOSE MEN which HAVE NOT the SEAL of GOD in THEIR FOREHEAD. And to THEM it was GIVEN that THEY SHOULD NOT KILL THEM, but that THEY SHOULD BE TORMENTED FIVE MONTHS: and THEIR TORMENT was as the TORMENT of a SCORPION, when he STRIKES A MAN. And in THOSE DAYS shall MEN SEEK DEATH, and shall NOT FIND IT; and shall DESIRE TO DIE, and DEATH shall FLEE FROM THEM. Malachi chapter 4 VS 1 For, behold, the DAY COMES, that shall BURN AS AN OVEN; and ALL the PROUD, yes, and ALL THAT DO WICKEDLY, shall BE STUBBLE: and the DAY THAT COMES shall BURN THEM UP, saith the LORD of hosts, that IT shall LEAVE THEM NEITHER ROOT NOR BRANCH. Isaiah chapter 24 VS 1 BEHOLD, the LORD MAKES the EARTH EMPTY, and MAKES IT WASTE, and TURNS IT UPSIDE DOWN, and SCATTERS ABROAD the INHABITANTS THEREOF. (Note, Turning the earth upside down is a POLAR SHIFT! North and South Poles trading places! This is taking place at a very rapid rate!) FOR ALL THAT CALL UPON THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SHALL BE SAVED! COME TO HIM AS YOU ARE, HE LOVES US MORE THAN WE CAN IMAGINE, ASK HIM INTO YOUR HEART IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY, GIVE HIM YOUR ALL! HE GAVE HIS LIFE ON THE CROSS FOR US! STAND FIRM ON THE WORD OF GOD, FOR ALL OF HIS PROPHECIES ARE COMING TO PASS, AND THE END IS NEAR EVEN KNOCKING AT OUR DOORS! KEEP LOOKING UP!
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 05:22:18 +0000

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