AND JUST FOR LAUGHS!!!!!!!!! COZ GOD KNOWS WE NEED SOME IN THESE OUTRAGEOUS TIMES HAPPY SUNDAY NIGHT PEEPS HERE IS OUR LATEST MUSIC VIDEO I GOT A FEELING IT WAS A LOT OF FUN TO MAKE I HOPE IT MAKES YOU SMILE IM ALSO HOPING WITH ONLY 3 AND 1/2 DAYS LEFT OF OUR POZIBLE CROWD FUNDING CAMPAIGN AND STILL AROUND $1400 TO MAKE OUR TARGET THAT IT INSPIRES SOME NEW COZMIC ANGELS TO GET ON BOARD, LAY THEIR HEARTS ON THE LINE RIGHT NEXT TO OURS AND CELEBRATE THE CARPE DIEM SPIRIT THAT LAYS WITHIN THIS NEW DOUBLE ALBUM OF OURS SUNSHINE AVENUE So this one is Track 6 of disk 1 – ‘I got a feeling’ This is a rock riff Anthem kind of song. I wrote the simple riff almost ironically. I wanted to make up a song that was making fun of the commercial aspect of the rebel in our culture. I remember after reading Naomi Klein’s ‘No Logo’ and John Ralston – Saul’s ‘Voltaire’s Bastards’ that I felt some kind of post modern fatigue. A fatigue that felt lifted though by enjoying the kinds of lyrics that Courtney Taylor Taylor writes for The Dandy Warhols. Irony or sarcasm is almost a last line of defense. To comprehend the complexity of The Military Industrial Complex, Globalization and see the way our society has moved so freely toward an Orwellian dystopia has really disturbed me. Conformity is useful and even aesthetically pleasing in a dance choreography or synchronized swimming, but as Socrates is famed for saying ‘The unexamined life is not worth living”. We may evolve as a species to some kind of high breed Organic machine, part computer, part robot, part human feeding on chicken breasts grown in petri dishes and living under fluorescent lights and an omniscient surveillance system, and who knows things might even function more smoothly as a result? – but what about all that is beautifully flawed and spontaneous about being a human- the vulnerability, the courage, the optimism, the heroic failure, the music, poetry, art, heart, compassion, spontaneity, the frivolity etc etc – and besides that I worry that we do not question authority enough. I believe in human ingenuity, compassion, decency, fun, health, sustainability and a positive existentialism; in a self determination and putting your best foot forward through education, in doing your best under the circumstances and like David facing the Goliath or the shadow of all you’d prefer to simply ignore or pretend away. I also enjoy all the benefits and luxuries of being born a White Australian Male, and in this I feel I can only mock myself most of the time. I love my iPhone, I love fashion, cappuccinos and get a real buzz out of retail therapy. Globalization is such a complex system of being. This song plays with this sense of self- depreciative humour. I sing “We’ve got the corporations pulling the strings of the government, well that’s OK if you’ll just like me on Facebook.” The dance was choreographed by Marissa Treichel and stars The Cassettes & The Mix Tape Crew Andy Jans-Brown & COZMIC Georgi Brooke Joanne Burchall Jess ORourke Jodee Sydney Vanessa Wood Zoe Mary Appleblossom Jesse Tucker, Aimee Winchester Josh Birse, Luke Ferguson Alex McLeod Cassie Rose Shay Henderson Andy Jans-Brown and other members of The Cassettes & The Mix Tape Crew - I directed, filmed and edited it - additional footage on the night by Kai Sanderson and Simon Bernasconi - The song was recorded by Simon Seven at Studio 9 Byron Bay and mixed by Steve James - Thank you everyone who was involved it was such a fun little project. I hope you enjoy my edit and it puts a smile on your faces with heart always, Andy Jans-brown
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 11:40:27 +0000

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