AND THERE WILL BE SIGNS FALLING FROM THE SKY and stupid still - TopicsExpress


AND THERE WILL BE SIGNS FALLING FROM THE SKY and stupid still goes, daaaaa whats up doc,, I see a bunny wabbit and still cant pull my head out of my ass Elmer,, Long enough to get off my Disney land ride for 5 seconds. Look? Dumbo is screwing your Children in the ass and Goofy just say, Dont worry dumb ass, WE WERE ALL BORN THAT WAY, just conform some you and you WILL..God thank you, At least one pulled away from all these slaves and cowards that this country has become. Now go get your greed on some more, YOUR LOCAL SLAVE DRIVERS TARGET STORE..F-N GREEDY IDIOTS OF SHAME TOO.. O here we go again,,condition the puppets so if you have more than a couple guns. This criminal government can Justify raiding your farms, you survival compounds..Happy thanks Glutton day. Maybe if O-Abomination get his wish of thanks on this day eating his $200.000 turkey meal. YOUR PIE next year will have a new glow to it, When CHINA AND IRAN NUKE YOUR COUNTRY..30 TRILLION IN DEBT and China will still send junk toys with poison in it for your children..Go american, the big A gone in shame and blood stained hands..DA NIAL RIVER running to the sea of salt and once hitting the sea and mixed with all that salt, nothing in good and clean water can live, Nothing can survive and once the salt become UN eatable..Even the sea life dies and it turns into a desert of Salt. Brine shrimp and nasty flies, the maggots they breed again. But Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. Be innocent in these seasons of lust and great greed but they shall turn away their ears from any truth as the DA Nial runs to the sea. For I am now ready to be offered unto death, at the time of all this O-Abomintion. The only thing that strengthens me today, IS knowing I am going to go be with God..Set aside your wanting and greedy selfish mentality. Even what bishop is blameless and holy, NONE from what God has shown me.. Unto the pure of this day, will be pure things given, Unto the defiled in all your gluttony and lack of believing, is nothing pure. Even your minds and conscience on this day is defiled and set forth for Your next greed..They profess that they know God But in works, greed and gluttony, they deny him daily, being abominable and disobedient and conforming to every EVIL purpose, gluttons go on..Go get your shopping ON, this age of wicked men, not one bit sober in all their greed for more and more. YOUR store will be open at 5 pm and screw all the people who have been slaved into working so your greed and gluttony can go on AND ON AND ON AND ON. CHINA LOVES YOU,, WHILE YOUR COUNTRY FAILS and falls into HELL...WALMART HERE THEY COME. GOT to love being so sick, SICK TO THE POINT OF DEATH and this counties new mentality,, O FREAK EN WELL my Disney land ride goes on. THE aMERICAN MAGGOTS SPAWN.. big A gone, your Shame, But TARGET is Opened,,A nation of 30 trillion in DEBT, be thankful for that, WE LOVE BAILING OUT FAILURES AND WARLORDS.. CHINA YOUR NEXT WAR and they still send more JUNK TOYS, poisons for your child..Who would want to buy anything american since the big A is gone in shame and ignorance..A man that is an heretic even after the second O-Abomination in your lands. Knowing that HE is such a liar, theft and sinner being condemned of himself and the sheep line up for the wolf to feed again, tossing their children first and being thankful at the same time, they can stuff their bellies full,,SICK to death after..
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 20:50:30 +0000

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