...AND THIS IS WHY.... Wednesday, April 8, 2009 I - TopicsExpress


...AND THIS IS WHY.... Wednesday, April 8, 2009 I KISSED DATING GOODBYE! 02.11.2009 Mr. James Edward Johnson Peaceful Warrior I Kissed Dating Goodbye! I suggest encouraging spontaneity, as it amplifies the potential for excitement and more. One must love life without regrets, for good times are near. So, clear out the clutter of your relationship closet, slow down and enjoy the present. We must look for opportunities to be generous, warm, and nurturing…to everyone. We do this via compassion, honor and with dignity and integrity, since, the ‘fires of love’ burn brightly in the 5th House of Romance. Where we strive to become ‘invulnerable’ to ego and ‘invisible’ to self, yet, able to know one’s I am. Because, most of our ‘infidelity’ comes from not being as true to ones self as we want a ‘significant other’ to be to us, it is the God in me. In every good and true ‘story’, we must begin with the ‘main meaning’, for instance, we all pray to a ‘higher power’, and we do this not only with God, but, with one another, too. Whether we are speaking with God or another human being, we must always utilize ‘gracious communication’, ‘inner wisdom’, and our ‘guardian angel’. We, also, must seek out and socialize with ‘spiritual companions’. You may ask why? We do this because, from such companions we give and receive ‘initiative’, drive, ambition, desire, and ‘create’ ‘teamwork’, and we must use good ‘judgment’ with everything and everyone. Since, we are getting ready to ‘open’ like a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly emerging with wings. And we need trust, because, trust leads us into our ‘resurrection’ of ‘freedom from inner conflict’ and an ability to trust our intuition. A faith in intuition allows us to better ‘block’ jealousy and envy projected by ourselves and/or others, as well as enabling us to overcome our ‘inhibitions’ and the inhibitions of others. We learn to ‘stand’, understand, over understand, and to discern all things which ‘challenge’ us, with a definite ‘yes or no’. The more we experience ‘victory’ over these challenges, the stronger we become with ‘courage and confidence’. Courage and confidence veils us into a ‘state of harmony’, for, within this ‘realm’ we will not be alone. We are no longer apprehensive, nor plagued by fear, as we become ‘selfless’ rather than selfish, for, we realize that we all begin in a ‘family’, and that family is a part of a community, and the community is a part of a society, and all are acknowledged and/or accepted according to their reputation (in some instances this involves ‘labels and stereotypes’). For the most part, we enter into a ‘realm’ which is the ‘end of hard times’, and are exposed to ‘possibilities’. In the long-term, we ‘boldly’ declare our spiritual politics without fear. We become ‘invulnerable’ to ego and ‘invisible’ to self, yet, we know our individual ‘I am’, and those who know their respective I am, experience the ‘magic of synchronicity’, trust, and no expectations. When we are ‘called and chosen’ for any situation or circumstance, our intuition tells us that ‘knowledge is power’ and that we are not vanquished by ‘misplaced trust and unguarded vulnerability’, as we have victory in all challenges and opportunities, as well as circumstances and situations. What is important is our ‘relationship’ with moral and ethical issues, for, we must deeply question our motives and others’, because of what is being pursued. By doing so we are able to turn obstacles into ‘steppingstones’ via creativity and a positive attitude; where surprises are strength and ‘blind spots’ are ‘windows of opportunity’ in which we rejoice. We are ‘happy for no reason’ on ‘the path’ or ‘the way through’, and must view the present from a historical perspective, for, it is a ‘new way of seeing’, since, it is up to the participants to ‘reinvent’ their dream. In our relationship, our involvement grows as does our vision, but, only as our integrity is kept intact without ‘infidelity’. We are guided by a ‘higher power’ with faith and the common sense to gracefully accept things in a spiritual way. Our focus is on ‘emotions and feelings’ rather than action, as it is based on our inner strength and not on ‘outer show’. For all ‘issues of the heart’ require less logic and more intensity, because this drives our desires to the surface, and it is a positive way to move ahead when the ‘participants’ share a perspective. This way when any one reinvents oneself we become more compassionate, as we strive to live in our ‘fifth house of love and creativity’. It is here that ‘mutual attraction’ is needed for any of us to succeed in love, and our minds are no longer tethered to the past, and this helps us to lower unnecessary boundaries and to lessen the temptation to make harsh judgments. We must love people and use things, ‘not use people and love things’. So, how do we bring more ‘braininess’ to love? Is it through shared social activities, religion, political beliefs or working for a common cause, which surely, must add another dimension to our relationships, as we begin to recognize that belonging to a larger community creates the framework in which love can flourish? Now is the time for us to open our hearts and minds and embrace one another as gifts from heaven, or, ask ourselves what encourages an unorthodox expression of love? It is said that patience can lessen the intensity, yet, for those of us who reside in the ‘skillful art of procrastination’ must maintain an open minded attitude and a non-possessive approach to the opposite gender relationships. ‘Dehumanization’ has come into the ‘fore’ once more, specifically, in the respect to the ‘haves and those that have not’, for, it is said that when we do not learn from the past we are more likely to repeat it. For example, how do we maintain trust after betrayal? What happens to faith, joy, peace and happiness; must we always expect extremes in love? “My head and heart say to ‘push’ but, do not shove To truly experience faith, hope, and trust, it must be Done with confidence, courage, and love… “We may never share such an embrace in the spirit of romance, intimacy, and passion, but, When you seek love, all you have to do is find my face”… “Now when it comes to being blessed with true love… Its intensity, its tenderness, and its sense of ultimate impossibility, We are so on the raggedy edge of possibility”… Our mindset becomes ‘we are cosmic citizens striving for creative freedom’ and its alternative realizations, as we are in a timeless state of grace; where there is no doubt, shame, or grief (nothing is negative) only social responsibility, family, service, and healing, via miscegenation. This involves a whole lot of ‘relationship processing’ and self knowledge inquiries. Usually initiated by the ‘rain of forgiveness’’ the goal or objective is to get out of a ‘state of deprivation and poverty’. Letting go of expectations and, trust out intuition for peace, hope, and love. The pressing external events are affecting and reflecting our hopes and dreams. So, do we choose between being responsible or being true to ourselves. We must, first and foremost, forgive ourselves and truly leave the past behind; here and now, our 8th House of Other Peoples Resources challenge us. What are the symptoms of poor planning, sloppy thinking, and bad judgment? What is happening in our 9th House of Adventure? It should be solid preparation which paves the way to a successful journey, and strives not to undermine relationships or a budding romance, or the possibility of reconnection with a loved one from the past. In the ‘realm of compassion’ for strangers, we have to take the time to seek out the truth, as we travel in the ‘realm of the taboo’. I come to you with volcanic reserves of passion and primal desire which empower our efforts to overcome the pressure of stereotyped roles and, experience true freedom of the soul. I am adaptable, tactful, gentle, and cautious with love and romance. I maintain high standards in all we do. All is about the Divine where we hold a ‘position of authority’ to bring hope, faith, and a philosophical attitude which manifests a strong social conscience and a desire to help those in need for us to share our skills and talents, via a charitable organization. To get through an ‘emotional maze’ we need to know that positive change begins in our imagination and a deep state of sensitivity, as there is stress between our feelings and our beliefs, and we are urged to make a stand, understand, over-understand, and discern no matter the consequences. What is the ‘art of tolerance’? It is being able to learn to embrace differences, dissimilarities and the wisdom to counter the forces we have set loose on the earth in our immaturity and ignorance. We must trust intuition and deal with emotions and feelings. Because, racism is an attitude of intolerance, yet, it is ‘unconscious racism’ that is ‘paramount’ and ‘universal’ in the perpetuation of racism, unconscious or not. We cannot escape serious problems of the past as we move into the future, because, we are upbeat for hope and inspiration, strengthening the world by nurturing everyone’s higher nature and each person’s mature character. It is the difference to discern between ‘blind optimism’ and ‘true vision’, or by listening to one’s cautious inner voice, through a ‘field of obstacles and opportunities’, or an entry into the ‘realm of the unfamiliar and the unknown’. To increase, we must use our inner knowledge to lead; it is a path of pleasure which eventually, leads to distraction from a ‘lack of spiritual growth’. It is the choice of personal growth through relationships via the ‘emotional rockets of romance’ from our 5th House of Romance. It is from this ‘emotional side’ that we must express what’s in our hearts, as we become lost in the great sea of consciousness where Passion sets Love aflame. It could be deemed of any of us as ‘brokenhearted’, but, there are no secrets, per se. It would suggest that no one should hide their feelings which insures intuitive understanding, because, communication might be hung in the balance of any feelings of frustration, in equal measures, of course. What fires up our passion? Maybe, it is a clash of creativity and complications. In my quest for unconditional love, I have been used and bruised, but, I am not broken. I have tapped into myself to know a new side of me. And so, I make sure to consider the consequences of ‘fear of the unknown’. Like what determines passion. Spirituality is alternating ways for finding peace within. This is very serious work which must be done, since, any anger must be eliminated. This is a responsibility which must be put first, for, regarding, any feelings of frustration, it allows one the answer to Love’s question; why her?, or why him? When we find ourselves in the grasp of the constancy of change and movement, do we stop ‘any’ influence and capability; for instance, life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “what are you doing for others?” A clear conscience never fears the ‘greater sinner’, nor, the ‘greater saint’, yet, reminds us of the lingering tensions of the past and the ‘here and now’. We all must be aware of the different approaches, but, all the while we ‘pay attention’ to our heart, since we must think globally. We live in materialistic times, but, there is no disgrace in material decrease, as gain may come in the guise of education or the development of one’s character. Enduring loss corresponds with an increase of strength and insight. Like, what does not kill you only makes you stronger! It frees the soul. The smaller actions have value by letting go of frustration, resistance, and regret. The full moon and passion (listen) allow us to express our warmth with greater ease and a more spontaneous kind of love; adding to our sense of wellbeing. The full moon is heartfelt and hurtful, since it unexpectedly brings issues of love to the surface, steadily reminding us of past experiences and old emotional pain which confuse our feelings and turn dilemmas into a spiritual journey. Romantic fantasies are heightened by this dreaminess. It should be for real, as when it is not genuine, it complicates passion for lust. I focus on a distant goal that includes coming out of my self for real love, true romance, big money, and pure passion. I find myself in my 9th House of Faraway Places; seeking truth, for and with, principle with love. What does love mean? Are there ‘rules of love’? Should love be respected; should love be expected? Love should be given to yourself, for it is the difficult ‘art of self-love’, and if one cannot love themselves, how can they love another? Love is celebrated as it was created by God. Love is reflected. Love is practiced. Love is remembered. Love is life, so, focus on what our role is to the community. Meanwhile, in our 10th House of Status, be careful not to lose touch with what is important to all involved which touches hearts with sweet sensitive dreams of romance for the magic of intimacy. Socializing, insights, and madness grace us with the potential of love and prosperity. And for a healing of the heart there are the winds of change which bring opportunities of love. Now, many of us are presently processing difficult issues; assisting us to discover our path to happiness. So, please pay attention, because, distractions are every where, and usually in the form of ‘confrontations with others’. This ‘creativity’ elevates us higher into ‘realms of possibility’ which reside within our imagination. There is a force so powerful and immediate which aids us in our ties with religion, culture, and values, like how important is love? In the ‘realm of spiritual awakenings’ some call it an epiphany, a mystical or religious experience, and others describe it as an ‘altered state of consciousness’. Because love allows us to reveal our vulnerability to someone we trust. We move with caution and confidence, but, we must go with the ‘cosmic flow’ and bathe ourselves in the ‘waters of our feelings’. A shift in attitude is very necessary, as it involves a strong sense of responsibility to the ‘collective good’ of all; and is the key to the successful exercise of strength. Arrogance always contains the seeds of its own undoing. Open communication is when love is meant to be finished of old business, and before starting anything new. You must ask for what you want and what you love, as it is unhealthy to suppress one’s feelings. We have to learn to deal with unnecessary anger; for, ‘love’s unending legacy’ is the story of ‘love’s unfolding dream’ in ‘love’s long journey’. But, an unfathomable complexity lurks in the shadows, since, we dance with grace through whatever circumstances occur in our lives, and it is here that an opportunity is being presented. For some, being security conscious is to be cautious with our feelings, as our emotional withdrawal increases our loneliness. But, we will benefit from being more emotional reserved, because, fantasy and spirituality rule. And this adds layers of mysterious complexity to everything that happens. Thus, we expect the unexpected, and how to master it. Our actions may be unclear to others, as we strive to fulfill the need to balance our head with our hearts; and the spirit instills confidence. Coordination of all elements is essential for success. On the road of life, perseverance can be a secret weapon in one’s quest. Be respectful of anything and anyone who has something to teach, and make education a part of your life; live and let learn. Justice has to do with moral sensitivity, and more sensitive to the world around you. This journey takes us into the wide world of people, places, and ideas where a complex aspect create the ‘ebb and flow’ in the ‘realm of relationships’. It is the sojourn of many adventures. Hope in the start of a relationship begins with some deep cleaning of unfinished emotional business which is a priority for the establishing of sincere romance. One must be serious, because, the ‘winds of change’ open secret places of dread and desire. Emotional clouds, clear, and clever align our thoughts with our true intentions and motives which is adventurous for new found optimism with spiritual impulses. Like ‘righteous indignation’ with a strong sense of justice which must be honored and acted upon, so that the impulse is for positive input and constructive change. Love rushes in after the slow rewind of trust after a period of estrangement, or the careful development of new relationships after a splitting apart of old ones. This becomes an opportunity to penetrate your inner life, and a ‘spiritual awakening’ to become completely honest, right now. And it marks a period of ‘new promotions’ and prosperity in one’s life, yet, sustained by will power and self control, as one’s priorities are forgiveness, tolerance, and exercising compassion. We are in a period of dynamic change and it demands that we exercise patience for the right moment to initiate action. There may not be many specific answers, but, being grateful for what you have is an answer all its own. I have sojourned, mentally, to many periods of my past travels. There is much that does not come to mind, clearly, and what does come to mind is, at best, sketchy. I strive to avoid anything which will make matters worse. One must reach deep and deeper to alleviate any symptoms of the issue of love’s upsets and turn them positive. This allows one to be more vulnerable in matters of principle, and to stand valiant in matters of style or taste, and flow with the current. Love requires no merit, nor demerit. Love does not isolate, and love never hurts. It is said that we must be honest about our motives, as it is healthy to show your emotions and feelings with compassion. We must look for opportunities to be generous, warm, and nurturing to everyone. And we do this via compassion, honor, and with dignity and integrity. Most of our ‘infidelity’ comes from not being as true to ourselves, as we want a ‘significant other’ to be toward us. We strive to become ‘invulnerable’ to ego, and ‘invisible’ to self, yet, able to know our I Am. It is the God in me. One is likely to get what one wants via a ‘spiritual confirmation’ which challenges us to be straight forward, since, one is likely get what one wants. But, stand, understand, over-understand, and discern that when ‘power’ shifts into the hands of those unprepared for it, harm comes to all involved. We need not fear meetings with those whose positions are quite different from our own. So, we remain free of ‘ulterior motives’, for, there are times when the meeting of ‘the yielding and the strong’ turn out to be opportunities for truly positive and constructive relationships. The difference between careless connection and a relationship of depth and scope lies in the motives of the heart. Because, love definitely has an ‘ebb and flow’, like the tides. Sometimes there is less, sometimes there is more, but, like the ocean there is always something to be had, and many ways to find it. Our quest is to seek a balance between ambition and adventure. We must set limits in life, because our ‘three amigos’…deception, lies, and manipulation come into ‘play’ whenever nobody know one’s I AM, you see, any person who know their I AM is ‘called and chosen’ to stand, understand, over-understand, and is able to discern how to be ‘invulnerable’ to ego and ‘invisible’ to self, yet, know their I AM. One must remember that ‘practical information’ can make anyone’s life easier, for it bodes well for an expansion of love. What do your dreams say? And like a child full of wonder we gaze into the mysteries of our inner life. Do you feel that ‘religious dreams’ are spiritual progress reports? Sensitivity and a feeling of self-consciousness pervade, as romance is highly favorable. Relationship dynamics are changing, for instance, how do we deal with the increasing flow of words while detaching them from your feelings? Meanwhile, our words become more compelling, so take hold of whatever is being offered, for this is an important step toward manifesting our dreams. We are ‘called and chosen’ to overcome whatever obstacles we encounter. Conflicts and ‘shallow’ relationships test our patience and frustrate our desires, yet, help us make the most of any difficult situation. We have a lot to learn from others and, ‘here and now’, is a great time to start. It is no any wonder that when people are in emotional pain what they desire is that life hurry up and change. One’s quest for love must be viewed like there is no cause for immediate action. For example: “Hello lady, you know you make me ache… I ache when I think of you, And I ache more readily when I see you… Standing here talking with you, I am aching, The way I ache for you, well, it feels so good; Thank you…. The only thing better than this ache- Is being able to soothe my ache with you”. The smallest actions, when sincere, have value, and there is no room for frustration, resistance, and regret. There is quite a bit to learn from one’s 3rd House of Information, as nothing can interfere with one’s desire to gather more knowledge. This is commonly done by being more open to change and having a more flexible attitude. Whatever is under the ‘radar of perception’ is where the ‘light of spring’ shines on the ‘darkness of self-doubt’, as it should. Because, most of us are tempted by the ‘lure of passion’ and this is the reason we must make a conscious choice to do what is right and righteous. There is a need for us to take care of business by helping others which help ones self. How do we activate our imaginations and how do we dissolve the boundaries between our dreams and reality? There is ‘something’ special in our life. Be on guard. Trust your intuition. Maintain a willingness to be flexible. Watch, observe, and listen to others, as this allows an opportunity to learn from one’s experiences. Avoid making commitments which cannot be kept. Here and now, we have come to our senses from our respective study of Natural Law, for, all shamans of any tradition draw upon this archetype. We must utilize our inner knowledge to lead. We must diligently stand our ground and resist negative tendencies and influences, as good will prevail. Do not compromise with evil. We do this with Power, Responsibility, Good Judgement, and Financial Rewards. What are the rules of love? Are we obligated to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? It appears that our feelings are being overly sensitized, because, emotions and feelings are in the sign of the intuitive fish (Pisces)for, the fish are positioned in opposition of each other, and symbolic of widening the gulf between our actions and our desires, seemingly, further.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 16:10:15 +0000

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