AND TO THINK THAT THE VOTERS IN MY DISTRICT CHOSE TO ELECT A FRAUD PLUS TWO OTHER PROGRESSIVES INSTEAD - NOW LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS DURING THESE NEXT 4 LONG YEARS WITH THOSE REPRESENTATIVES WHO THINK COMPLETELY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT I BELIEVE)..... William T. Newton- a Life-long Independent, Constitutional Conservative, Traditionalist and in 2014 became a registered Republican and a Candidate for the Maryland House of Delegates/10th District: • First be aware that our federal government is Constitutionally charged with only 17 powers….beyond that we rely on the 10th Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” • I believe that government by design must stay out of the social arena and that ought to be left to the private sector. When reviewing the 17 powers of government nowhere is it listed that taxes are to be raised or spent for social hardship. I realize that ‘we’ all have a heart and my 28 years of service doing charity work and community volunteer activities more than demonstrate my commitment and concern for my neighbors. I will continue to foster an environment which cuts taxes and regulatory restrictions to permit and reward the private sector (and individual’s) ability to serve those needs. • To accomplish this, I will ambitiously seek to restructure our State Department of Business and Economic Development to focus on job creation by cutting red-tape and regulations to attract businesses….and government needs to get out of the way of small businesses altogether and let the entrepreneurial spirit prosper. • I support any and all tax cuts and will NEVER vote for any tax increase…..the budget needs to shrink immediately beginning with redundancy and waste (and there is plenty of that) and to point out to every other representative that a government employee’s benefits should never exceed those of the tax-paying private sector workers. Government works for us – not the other way around! With those savings we can ‘spend’ more time restoring the “earned” benefits to our seniors and veterans. • I support the suggestion that any taxes collected for specific purposes that diverting those funds for any other intent rises to an impeachable offense as it represents a misuse of public money. It is way past time to repair our roads and infrastructure which have been ignored as a result of past administrations pilfering from the ‘lockbox’ for budget balancing and big ticket light rails….and that means jobs we can actually see accomplishing something. • On Education…”Common Core”- toss it and return to “old-time” responsible education plans with a locally elected school board from top to bottom. • And yes I believe like our Founder’s that an individual’s private property rights are inviolate, sacrosanct. I don’t mean big business and developers, I mean individuals. I will also work to overturn the un-Constitutional practice of the local zoning practice where anyone can request a zoning change of your private property without your permission. (And by the way private property is also defined as anything belonging to you. I take the 4th Amendment to mean what it says (literally): “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects…..”. • I do not accept the redefinition of words – marriage means a union between 1 man and 1 woman. Boy means boy (girl means girl) not another gender that you ‘identify’ with at any given moment! Life means life whether it concerns the unborn or a criminal sentence. • In closing I point out that our form of government (it’s called a Constitutional Republic) has three “co-equal” branches….and that means no one branch has any power over the other but there is another which does have power over them, a fourth branch which is always forgotten…..the people and I don’t forget it! • I will be happy to answer any direct questions and offer my opinion on any subject or about any of my personal beliefs…..just ask! PS—Did I mention that I believe in God – the Creator from whom my ‘inalienable rights’ originate…? You are entitled to believe yours’ come from the “Giant Spaghetti Monster” and it is a great country that recognizes that but my God even watches over and protects atheists whether they like it or not! *(originally written and publically released on October 15, 2014 - prior to the November Maryland general election).
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 16:36:48 +0000

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