ANDHARA PRADESH” IN MY VIEW 1.FORMATION OF NEW CAPITAL TO RELESE Rs 5,000 cores, to spend these money without political leaders influence , to build New capital within 3 to 4 years in time bound .(need not 10 years hyderabad as common capital. 2. recognize anatapur, srikakulam, prakasam, as a back word districts. They consider as special indusrial areas, to give free tax zone for 25 years to establish new industries, factories, spl current subcidey for industries,& what are the maximum benefits it will applicable for all these areas. IT hub at VIZAG,VIJAYAWADA, CHITOOR. 3. Agricultural university at west Godavari region, New variety seeds & plants development & reach center at chitoor dist. 4. IIT at Nellore dist. NIT at vijayanagaram 5. Central govt under taking & central govt intuitions at various places at ANDHRAPRADESH. 6. New IRON factory at kadapa. 7. Three super specialty hospitals like NIIMS (east Godavari, ongole, Kurnool) 8. New ANDHARA high court bench at kadapa.(MAIN HIGH COURT AT CAPITAL) 9. Develop TIRUPATHI as high class city for all worldwide Hindus . 10.Give more facilities for FILM industry to establish at NEW andhrapradesh. 11. Immediately develop MACHILIPATNAM port , ONGOLE port, KAKINADA port, 12. Ordinance factory at KURNOOL, Railway coach factory at KADAPA, SOLAR POWER PLANTS at ANATHAPUR, WIND POWER PLANTS at NELLORE, ONGOLE, KAKINADA, SRIKAKULAM. 13. develop rail connectivity in between coastal to KADAPA,KURNOOL,& ANATHAPUR develop road connectivity SIX line road from ICHHAPURUM to CHITOOR & CADAPA,ANATHAPUR. develop water transportation throughout COSTAL AREA. 14. Third RAILWAY line from ICCHAPURM TO CHENNAI. 15. Super fast trains between major cities . 16. International airports at VIZAG, VIJAYAWADA, TIRUPATHI. 17. National level air connectivity between CADAPA to vizag Vijayawada, to all places of INDIA. 18.Near AVINIGADDA build new ROCKET LANCHER pad. 19. ARMY & AIRFORCE base in ANDHARAPRADESH. New costal security guards for coastal area. 20. Merge BHADRACHALAM division in to ANDHRA. 21. Central Govnt to give (cong , BJP, or Third front) five cabinet rank posts like railway, urban development, Industries ,HR, water) . 22. Veternity university at Prakasam dist. 23.40% of HYDERABAD revenue to share to ANDHRA for 25 years . 24.Inter national games stadiums at VIZAG, VIJAYAWADA, KURNOOL. national level game stadiums at Vijayanagaram, E.Godavari, nellore, anathapur, 25.STATE CAPITAL IN BETWEEN VIJAYAWADA & GUNTUR.(water,air,road,rail,& center of the state) 26.winter season assembly at Kurnool. 27. SUPREME COURT BENCH for south, in ANDHRAPRADESH.(Nellore, Kurnool, Vijayawada ,GNT at any place) 28. Total rights on OIL & GAS (No ONGC,RELIENCE OR OTHERS) 29. Complet POLAVARAM,PULICHINTHALA, WITH IN 2 YEARS.UTILISATION OF WATER RESOURSE. 30.Develop Entertainment places like patti seema, Bhavani deepam, araku, vizag ,tirupathi, Beaches of main towns, Hill stations in Kurnool, kadapa, anathapuram.(tourism hub of INDIA.) 31. wild life zoological park at prakasham & Guntur dist. 32.spl fund for cyclone, & natural calamities. because large sea coast area. 33.Top industrialists adopt each dist for poor & back word students education. & good drinking water facility in all villeges. 34.plantation of trees at costal area,hill area, & wild forest plants at dry areas. 35.Krishna & Godavari water share in the observation of CENTRAL GOVT.give main preiority to DELTA BASIN. 36.spl subsidiary to farmers to get more yield .& cultivation became profit. 37.LKG to 10th free & compulsory education for all .Inter minimum fees education ,Graduate to PG Qulity with competitive education(for eligible one minimum fee ) 38. For development of small scale industries(new enterpenuieors ) give maximum support from STATE & CENTREAL GOVT in all areas. 39. Spl fund for weaker section of people, Handmade workers, fisherman’s. (Due to large coastal area). 40. Spl Textail industry Zone in ANATHAPUR,CHITOOR,NELLORE FOR ABOVE ALL THESE WE NEED GOOD LEADER WITH DEDICATION, .COMITMENT, HONESTY,VIOSION, WITH OUT CORRUPTION LEADER . work hard in positive way to build new path of ANDHARAPREDESH. WE ARE GOOD EXAMPLE FOR OUR COMING GENERATION & OTHERS THIS IS RIGHT TIME TO SHOW OUR EBILITIES, INTELIGENCE, ENTERPENUIEOR SHIP,LEADER SHIP QUALITIES. UTILISATION OF YOUTH STRENGH in proper & right way. STANDS GOOD EXAMPLE FOR NATION. ANDRAPRADESH become another SINGAPORE with in 10 years time. WE NEED NOT CENTREL JAIL AT ANDHRA. BECAUSE WE ARE ALL GOOD PEOPLE.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 01:52:57 +0000

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