ANGELS - Faith and Trust -Introduction -This morning we considered - TopicsExpress


ANGELS - Faith and Trust -Introduction -This morning we considered some information regarding angels. (lesson: How Privileged We Are!) -We recognized the fact that angels are created, spiritual beings. They are messengers/servants of God. They were involved in the giving of the Law of Moses. However, they desired to look into the things which they communicated to inspired men. They were spectators as God’s plan of redemption for mankind unfolded. Through the church, the angels saw the manifold wisdom of God revealed. -This brings along another interesting observation: The angels who faithfully served God for century after century prior to fully realizing the “manifold wisdom of God” (Eph 3:10) had to do so with faith and trust in Him. That faith and trust had to lead them to obedience to His will. -Had you ever thought about that before? It’s true. -Angels That Rebelled -God always gives those whom He has created the freedom of choice. God never takes that freedom away. -We’ve talked about how privileged we are to be under the Gospel of Christ. Yet, God gives us the option to reject it if we so choose. Yes, there is an accountability for making such a choice. Yet, the choice is still ours. -Since angels are created beings, they too have freedom to choose. -choose what? - the same thing we must choose - whether or not to obediently submit to the will of God -Josh 24:15 -Unfortunately, some of the angels made an unwise decision. -2 Pet 2:4 - Evidently, they were lacking in faith and trust in God. -Satan - The Source of Sin -Who introduced sin into this world? - Satan, in the Garden of Eden -He could not force Adam and Eve to sin. It was their choice. However, he influenced their decision. -Is it possible that Satan did the same thing in heaven? -Satan, a created being (Col 1:16), exercised his freedom to choose evil over good. He then exerted an influence on others in the heavenly realm. -Matt 25:41 - “the devil and his angels” -Side note: Notice, this verse tells us that hell was prepared for the devil and his angels - not for mankind. However, it awaits those who fail to submit to God’s will. They will end up in a place not intended for them. Of course, we need to understand this in the light of God’s supreme and complete foreknowledge. -1 Tim 3:6 - “fall into the condemnation of the devil” -It is important to realize that the devil does not have the authority or ability to condemn. Jesus is the Judge (2 Cor 5:10). Satan can only tempt us to follow a course of action that leads to condemnation. -So, this verse isn’t talking about what Satan gives but what he has received. -It seems that this verse is telling us that Satan, due to pride, fell into condemnation. Since he fell, there must have been a time prior to his fall when he wasn’t in condemnation. -Was Satan at one time an angel of God? Perhaps so. With what the scriptures reveal, I believe we can say with confidence that: Satan is a created, spiritual being who was created good, but due to pride, exercised his freedom of choice and made some very poor decisions and now stands in a condition of condemnation. Sadly, he exerted and continues to exert an influence that tempts people to follow a similar course which results in condemnation. -John 8:44 - “This implies that the devil was once in the truth, was in heaven, even the atmosphere of heaven; but he loved falsehood better than truth, was cast out of heaven and was carried down to hell” (David Lipscomb). -Job 1:6 - Satan’s allowed access to heaven is seen here. -Rev 12:3-4, 9-10 - dragon - Satan -It seems that verse 4 is a reference to Satan’s influence upon the angels of heaven. -cast down to earth (Rev 12) vs reserved in chains of darkness (Jude 6, 2 Pet 2:4) -Matt 8:29 - “ thou come to torment us before the time” - Was there an allotted time in which the angels of Satan (demons) were allowed to be on this earth prior to being sent into “chains of darkness?” Perhaps so. -The Angels Past Situation vs Our Current Situation -In considering all this information, I hope you see that there are some similarities with what the angels previously faced with what we currently face. -We have decisions that we must make. In making our decisions we must contend with the influence of Satan. We must maintain our faith and trust in God and put them into obedience. We must choose good over evil - God over Satan. -Now combine with this the information from this morning’s lesson. The angels were curious spectators - not having a foreknowledge of what God had in store for His people. -It wasn’t until the church was established that the angels saw the fullness of the wisdom of God. Do you suppose Satan would have utilized that in his influencing of the angels? -“What’s He doing?”; “This isn’t going to work.”; “I have a better idea”; “Follow me” -Summary and Invitation -Yet, think about the angels when God’s plan accomplished its goal - the sacrifice of Jesus for the sins of the world - His victory over sin and death - the establishment of the kingdom. -At that time, when they saw what they had longed for, don’t you think the faithful angels were deeply thankful that they had maintained their faith, trust and obedience! -If we will maintain our faith, trust and obedience in/to God, we can also receive that which we so deeply long for - 1 Pet 1:4. And from within that heavenly home, we too can rejoice with thanksgiving that we fought a good fight, finished the course & kept the faith. -What about you this evening? Who’s influence is at work in your life? Who have you decided to follow? Have you made that important decision to obey the Gospel? If not, believe (John 3:16, 8:24), confess your faith (Matt 10:32, Rom 10:9-10), repent (Luke 13:3,5; Acts 17:30) be baptized into Christ (Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38) -Are you exercising enough faith & trust in God to maintain a course of faithfulness? If you haven’t, confess your shortcomings, repent of them and pray for God’s forgiveness (1 John 1:7-9, Acts 8:22-24).
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 09:24:24 +0000

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