ANIS QEES WROTE; The punishment for zina. This was d lecture - TopicsExpress


ANIS QEES WROTE; The punishment for zina. This was d lecture discussed after subhi dis morning. If u av listened or heared about how brutal d punishment for zina is, walahi, u will neva go near it nt to talk of comitting it. Then i looked around me, even those whom u think re underage or the pple whom u think re scholars or pious. How the teen of nowadays makes zina looks lik norms of d day. They bliv if u dont engage in it then u re nt enjoying life. What is d enjoyment in zina? When u go thru its punishment in dis life nd continue it in hell. What is d enjoyment? When u can contact various deadly desease. What is d enjoyment? When u can also av a stigma dat will be with u till d end of ur life. D only tawba for zina is to go thru d punishment. For unmarried, 100 lashes of cane without mercy and for married is to be stoned to death. Who is ready to face dis punishment? Who is ready to be humilated dis way? But it is a must u go thru it if uve comitted zina. This is nt d mata of i dont no bcos we all no it
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 22:37:26 +0000

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