ANNA COOGAN – 18 JANUARY 2010 09:58 AM Serotonin, or the - TopicsExpress


ANNA COOGAN – 18 JANUARY 2010 09:58 AM Serotonin, or the happy hormone, is the chemical in your brain that makes you feel good about yourself -- happy, relaxed yet motivated. And a lack of it leaves you feeling miserable about your lot and can be a root cause of illnesses such as migraines, irritable bowel syndrome and insomnia. Too little serotonin is most often associated with depression and stress. ALSO IN THIS SECTION SAD left me feeling dull and weak Dont count housework as part of your weekly exercise regime wave goodbye to all those bad hair days Irish Expats Join the #1 Expat Community and meet Irish Expats in your city! Train A German Shepherd Proven methods to train your German Shepherd at home in just 6 days! TheDogTrainingSecret Ads by Google So its important to know how changes in your diet will affect the levels of serotonin in your body. And how a diet can result in you eating yourself into unhappiness, if you cut back on the foods which can naturally boost serotonin levels in your body. You want to be trim, but you dont want to risk depression in your quest to shed a few pounds fast -- which can happen when you make drastic overnight changes in your diet. In fact, cutting back on a variety of foods will affect you negatively -- while knowing the happy foods, which boost serotonin levels in your body, is a terrific way to instantly lift your mood. The good news is that you can eat your way to happiness by carefully monitoring your intake of the foods which naturally boost the level of serotonin in your brain -- and you will begin to feel more content with your lot, happier with your self-image, and will find life easier to cope with on all levels. Binge The road to happiness is eating a diet full of serotonin-boosting foods. So where do you begin? With carbohydrates, which set off a series of biochemical reactions that allow the brain to make serotonin. Yet carbs are the first thing many women banish following a food binge. The fact is, women have less serotonin in their brains than men, so any serotonin- depleting diet will make a woman feel irritable or depressed. Its important to eat your healthy high- carbohydrate foods along with proteins. For starters, avoid white flour and sugar carbohydrates, as these foods will boost short-term high serotonin levels but will then suddenly drop, causing fatigue. Good carbohydrate foods are not refined and processed, but are in their natural state. They are filling, have a role in weight loss, and are rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Examples of good carbohydrate foods are vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, wholegrain breads, wholegrain cereals, and some dairy products. Fibre-filled, complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal, sweet potatoes and brown rice are great stress relievers and aid better sleep. READ MORE
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 07:34:19 +0000

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