ANNIE HELEN NTHANI WRITES TO LD Are You Being Cheated On? - TopicsExpress


ANNIE HELEN NTHANI WRITES TO LD Are You Being Cheated On? Nobody wants to think their mate is being unfaithful. But if you suspect it, here are some signs to watch out for. Don’t be paranoid, but if a lot of these signs are there, take action and ask your mate if something in your relationship has changed. 1. Coming Home Late If your mate is coming home a lot later than usual, or not wanting to spend time with you, it may be sign that there’s someone else they’re spending time with in secret. Does the reason keep changing? Is it car problems one week and working late the next? If something’s ALWAYS coming up to make him or her late, you have good reason to wonder if cheating is going on. 2. Hiding Their Phone Is your partner hiding their phone from you? There might be pictures or texts that they don’t want you to see. Those pictures might be of a new love interest, and the texts might be “sweet nothings” that are not from you. Watch out if he/she slips his/her phone in his/her pocket when s/he sees you walk into the room. 3. Acting Moody Why so cranky? If your mate is normally pretty cheerful but starts acting especially moody or grumpy around you for what seems to be no reason, he or she may be wishing that they’re with another person. They also may be trying to push you away, to try to get you to break up with them before you find out about the new love. 4 Not Talking Much Anymore. If you used to have long conversations about anything and everything, but now your partner stops talking to you, it’s not a good sign. They may have someone else they’re pouring their heart out to. If you try to start conversations and they shut you down, they’re showing that interacting with you is no longer fun and interesting. Someone else is meeting that need. 5. Radically Changed Opinions. Do you notice that your mate has new ideas about their politics, opinions on social issues, or just what their favorite snack is? This could be because they’re getting different ideas from someone else. When you’re in the beginning of a new relationship, you sometimes enthusiastically take on the other person’s ideas and opinions. If your partner has new opinions out of the blue, this could be the reason why. 6. Their Friends Act Weird Around You. Do his or her friends act oddly around you? Are conversations awkward when they used to be fun? Take it as a sign. Maybe they know something that you don’t- that you’re being cheated on. You might want to ask your partner’s BFF about it, if you’re not afraid of the answer.Cuz it might be a different statement on where your spouse was the previous day. 7. Lying If you catch your mate in a lie, that’s definitely a trouble sign. It means that they’re hiding something from you, and that something could be a new love interest. Especially if the lie involves money they’ve spent, or where they spent their time. Better get to the bottom of it. 8. A Different Smell This might sound weird, but if your spouse smells different, pay attention. It actually could be a sign a cheating. It might be new cologne to impress a new love, or it might be a hint of her cologne on him or fragrance of a soap. The nose knows more than we give it credit for.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 08:34:24 +0000

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