ANNIVERSARY OF THE PASSING OF NYOSHUL KHEN RINPOCHE - Sept 10 2014 - A Message from HH Kyabgon Phakchok Rinpoche Dear Friends, I pray that this message finds you all to be happy and practicing well. I am writing to inform you that September 10th is the anniversary of the passing of Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche. Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche is a genuine practitioner and student of the great masters of the Dzogchen lineage. He is one of the high realized masters of the 20th century. His knowledge, kindness, and teachings and blessings are incredibly great. The blessings of being near Rinpoche allow meditation to come about naturally. Thoughts lessen and one’s mind naturally falls away. I never saw Rinpoche criticize any individual, school or religion. His pure perception is so immense and he has respect for everyone. He has great respect and trust in his consort, his khandro-la, Ama Damcho. And, he has such great loving kindness and care for the students. Rinpoche has clairvoyance, and actually, one time I remember very clearly when he exposed the thoughts I was thinking. But he never made claims about qualities like this, and he never had pride. In my time near him, I never saw one single moment of have spiritual materialism. Whether you refer to Dzogchen, Sutra or Tantra, he is a true practitioner. At one time, I heard from my elder dharma brother that for those students who receive teachings from him, he will guarantee that not a single one of them would go to the lower realms after they die. For me, I have devotion, and I am a person who practices devotion, so I become overwhelmed by messages like that. And, at those times, I was one of the youngest students under Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche. Regardless of that both Rinpoche and his consort, Ama Damcho, showed me such great attention and care. Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche was a hidden yogi and a great master, but at the same time he was a great person and a great husband. Once, he said to me, “Whether I am alive or not, you must look after my wife.” He was not only a practitioner, not only a good person, not only a meditator, not only a high scholar, but also a genuine and responsible husband. Similarly, I saw that Rinpoche was admirable in all aspects of his life. Of course, you all know that Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche is one of my main teachers from whom I received the Dzogchen teachings. He is very kind to me. I am sharing this message because all of you have received teachings from me and you are part of our mandala. It is very important to accumulate merit, spiritual blessings and succeed in the genuine practice of Bodhicitta, Vajrayana and the nature of mind. In order to support this, I am giving you the opportunity of chanting and doing the offering of how much you are able. Until the end of the 10th, please recite as many Vajra Guru mantras as you can. The great tantras actually say that when anybody does prayers, puja, accumulations, meditation, generosity and so forth on the day of the passing of a great master, who achieves the high realization of Parinirvana, you gain the same benefits and blessings. I am sharing some photos of the nine day puja that will finish on the 10th, to which I have contributed since it started. In several of the photos you can see Ama Damcho. In the area near Bumtang, where they have my guru’s body in the stupa, they have been doing Vajrasattva puja for nine days and will conclude on September 10th, the anniversary of Rinpoche’s passing. Every year they do this. In the shrine is Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche’s stupa with over 1000 Vajrasattva statues. Usually, I do the offering on my own with my family, but I thought that this would be a good opportunity to extend to you for those who want to do confession practice and purification because we have so much bad karma and broken samayas from this life and past lives. Sincerely, Phakchok Rinpoche
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 19:04:44 +0000

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