ANNOUNCEMENT: The City of Victoria is planning to double the cost - TopicsExpress


ANNOUNCEMENT: The City of Victoria is planning to double the cost of insurance for our employees beginning January 2014, this will SIGNIFICANTLY damage the financial universe for our city employed workers. The Victoria Police Department has lost 16 peace officers as of now and 6 more are prepared to leave duties and find placement elsewhere. The average peace officer with health insurance brings in an average $1,1124.00 every two weeks, most have families, homes with mortgages, children and some preparing for college. Could you imagine what increasing health insurance would do? There are city workers making $8 to $10.00 an hour and you want to double their health insurance, seriously are you serious? Read it again, 16 peace officers and 6 preparing to re-locate. What matters most to you Charmelle Garret and city members hmmm, safety for your citizens or your pockets? Do you believe that money holds a thriving community together or integrity, brotherhood, love and camaraderie? Do you want to build the cities foundation on greed and emptiness or on peace, fairness and security? The paid workers are the back bone and strength of this city. The men and women that are employed by the city are up before the sun, they are the ones picking the trash up off the streets, digging through sewage, making sure you have electricity, testing the water, repairing the streets, etc. Do you know what our peace officers have to endure? Our peace officers are witnesses to the most horrible acts you could imagine. Get this Charmelle Garret and members! Police officers have two or three more jobs for a little COMPENSATION to make ends meet at home. Did you know they go to school. Did you know that one? That is have employed men and women who want to better thierselves and career. So they keep you safe at night, work a job or two more and obtain their criminal justice degrees. What do you do? REMAIN SILENT, talk about doubling their health insurance and completely DISMISS what they endure on a daily basis. It is just not the peace officers that endure this a majority of your city employed personnel do to. Believe it or not they have dreams and goals for thierselves whom are working very hard to get ahead in life. Recognize. Respect the men and women who do what you do not. One more thing if you did encourage your city employees you would see a more positive change in departments that need it. Do your job and be a leader. Give and love give and love and God will take care of all the above. Sincerely, The wife of a peace officer "IF YOU REALLY KEEP THE ROYAL LAW FOUND IN SCRIPTURE, "LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF," YOU ARE DOING RIGHT." JAMES 2:8
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 15:30:47 +0000

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