ANNOUNCING, THE SENATOR THAT WOULD BE KING.. OR... THE MOUSE THAT ROARED ? 2008 - THE SENATOR THAT WOULD BE KING.. In a blaze of rhetorical glory and a strong public show of indignation and outrage reverend/senator James Meeks from Chicago, Illinois made his presence and intentions known to become Chicagos Educational Czar and major power broker on the Chicago political landscape and scene. In a relentless nationwide broadcast of televised speeches filled with venom and fiery rhetoric reverend senator James Meeks pounded away at Chicagos Educational system and at the European players. Senator Meeks criticized the Governor of Illinois, attacked the intellectual qualifications of Chicago school teachers, beat up on his critics and blamed the European players for not funding the Chicago public school system. In a bold, brazen and unprecedented move that shocked black leadership and stunned his supporters Senator Meeks lead a march into the stronghold and enclave of Chicagos Mayor Richard J. Daley. Once assembled inside the mayors stronghold and within shouting distance of the Mayors headquarters Senator Meeks began to unleash his fury and disdain for the mayor by calling African Americans that work in Chicagos City Hall house Ni&gers. African Americans watching, listening or attending the ill fated march concluded Reverend, Senator James Meeks remarks to mean that any African American that did not work for City Hall or was unemployed was by default Field Ni&gers. Needless to say that in the city of Prohibition and Al Capone no self-respecting Irishman mayor is going to turn the other cheek after being totally dis-respected and called out in his own house and front yard. Many African Americans suspect that perhaps after a late night visit to Senator Meeks Chicago style his ambitions to be a power broker and Chicagos next Education Czar now sleep with the fishes. The Reverend Senator Meeks fiery rhetoric has all but dissipated. He spends his life being watched and monitored by the Chicago powers that be. He spends his pastoral and political career ambulance chasing reports, studies and finding so as to justify groveling at the table legs of powerful European financial committees. He is photographed in real-time begging the European players to share and share alike. Senator Meeks now begs the European players for the school funding he once demanded. The last thing African Americans need in our finest hour is a black leader marching, protesting, complaining, begging and looking to the European players for handouts, charity or apologies. Chicago senator James Meeks, the man that would be King reduced by ineffective strategy into the mouse that roared by some parents that are now boycotting him. 2015 - THE MOUSE THAT ROARED After betraying Roland Burris for former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich only to have Blagojevich renege on his promise to make him the next education Czar he strikes the same deal with republican Gov.-elect Bruce Rauner to sell-out former Gov. Quinn in exchange for a political appointment Republican Gov.-elect Bruce Rauner announced Saturday he has chosen Chicago religious leader and former Democratic state Sen. James Meeks to head the Illinois State Board of Education. Meeks, pastor of Salem Baptist Church once referred to as The Church of Ignorance on the Far South Side, endorsed Rauner for governor and was a member of the Republican’s transition committee. BLACK AMERICA 2015 Proving once again that black unity is a fairy tale so forget about black unity and..... save yourself.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 05:40:51 +0000

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