ANNOYANCE AT THE UMMAH This world amazes me, the people of this - TopicsExpress


ANNOYANCE AT THE UMMAH This world amazes me, the people of this world amaze me. You may work in this world your entire lifetime constantly hoping, trying and striving to make a difference and bring good change to it, but the people of this world still remain the same. You wake up everyday thinking, Today is the day Im going to help change ONE person, bring a smile to ONE person or help just ONE person become a better man then everyday you go to sleep losing hope in people. Mankind has fallen to such low standards, its like the moto of life is to live for yourself and make sure nobody becomes better than you in anything. Sometimes its hard to believe this is the Ummah of the greatest man who lived, the man who on the day of judgement will fall on his knees begging for people other than himself pleading UMMATI UMMATI(MY UMMAH, MY UMMAH!) Oh Mankind, where is our Ummah?!! Where have we come to, when everyday we plan on how we can make our lives better and how we can look better in the eyes of the people. To the extent we are ready to bring down anybody that we see as better then ourselves. Is our egos so big that we need to destroy everyone elses to inflate our own? Were caught up on our whims and desires so much that men cheat on women then complain when their own sister gets beart broken, and women give hope to innocent men with no desire of marrying the brother purely because she wanted to have fun. Its like marriage is a last resort and the first call of action is our desires. Its like the verses of Allah has not come down upon us. We constantly ponder and complain about the problems in our life and complain as to why we have them, even though the problems we have are nothing compared to the one who struggles to eat once a week. We wonder why are we heart broken? Why did he/she cheat on me? Why does he/she not want to marry me? Why is it that Im not as loved or famous as that guy? Why dont I have as much money as him? But we all forget to ask ourselves one question, when was the last time we recited the words of our lord and sought answers for the problems in our lives from the creator that created us, the same way you would take a broken computer to the one who created it. We need to take our broken hearts to our creator and return back to him because Wallahi without Allah the Ummah will never attain victory and success. [SHARE]
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:16:20 +0000

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