ANOINTED LIKE KING DAVID God is not like a man that judge as men - TopicsExpress


ANOINTED LIKE KING DAVID God is not like a man that judge as men judge. Man looks at the out ward appearance, but God look at the heart. The little boy David was the youngest and the least of the sons of Jess. He was not recognized and never expected to be the chosen as a king among them. When the lord wanted to anoint him as a king, the Lord spoke to prophet Samuel to go to the house of Jess and thus he will choose from among the king, their believed was that the Lord will chose the eldest son of Jess. Little did they know that the one chosen by God will be the least among the children of Jesse. For those that are not familiar with the Bible, the book of first Samuel Chapter sixteen from verse one (1 Sam. 16:1) Then it noted. The Lord said to Samuel “How long will you go on grieving over Soul? I have rejected him as king of Israel. But get some Olive oil and go to Bethlehem, to a man named Jesse. Because I have chosen one of his sons to be king.” Verse 2 Samuel asked. How can I do that?” If Saul hears about it, he will kill me. The Lord answered and said take a calf with you and say that you are there to offer a sacrifice to the Lord. Invite Jess to the sacrifice and I will tell you what to do. You will anoint as a king the man I tell you to. “Samuel did what the Lord told him to do. From verse five Samuel told the people, Jess and his sons to purify themselves and he invited them to the sacrifice. When they arrived, Samuel saw Jess’s son Eliah and said to himself. “This man standing here in the Lord’s presence is surely the one he has chosen. “But the Lord said to him, “pay no attention to how tall and handsome he is. I have rejected him, because I do not judge as man judges. Man looks at the outward appearance, but I look at the heart. Then Jess called his son Abinadah and brought him to Samuel but Samuel said. “No. The Lord hasnt chosen him either. Jesse then brought Shammab No, The Lord hasnt chosen him either. Samuel said. In this way Jesse brought seven of his sons to Samuel and Samuel said to him. No, the Lord hasnt chosen any of these.” Then he asked him, “Do you have any more sons? Jesse answered, “There is still the youngest, but he is out taking care of the sheep”. Tell him to come here, “Samuel said “We won’t offer the sacrifice until he comes” So Jesse sent for him. He was handsome, healthy young man, and his eyes sparkled. The Lord said to Samuel, This is the one-anoint him! Samuel took the Olive oil and anointed David in front of his brother. From the above one could see that David was not even in their mind that was the reason why he was left out to take care of the calf in the field even when Prophet Samuel demanded for the children of Jesse. Despite that he was not regarded by Man even the prophet Samuel whom God sent; God almighty who sees the heart of man was able to find favour in the little boy David. Is this different from the man Goodluck Jonathan? No, let start from when he was a deputy to the then Governor Diepreye Almieyeseigha of Bayelsa State he was less recognized in the government despite the fact that he was deputy Governor of the State. Going by what was in the news, Goodluck Jonathan was the least among the group of Deputy Governors to the extent that some of the commissioners were more powerful than him. As he was acting in hislow capacity as the deputy Governor, the then Governor was impeached from office; and automatically became the Governor of the Bayelsa State going by the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Governor Goodluck Ebele Jonathan was performing in the State trying to alleviate the lives of the people of Bayelsa State regarding his new position when the power game started as to who will replace the the President Olusegun Obasanjo who was to be completing his tenure May 29th 2007. Towards the end of Oluseugn Obasanjo tenure, most of then Governors were busy touring from one place to another drawing support to contest for the office of the president and Vice President. Many of those Governors abandoned their State and relocated their government office to Abuja to be in close contact with then President in order to be anointed like the reference t story of David in the holy Bibles. Some were already taken the blessing of the man and not yet anointed when the game began. During this period when other were moving here and there lobbing one another for the executive post, Dr Goodluck Jonathan was in Otuoke feeling satisfied with his position while other were in Abuja waiting to be anointed. Like the story of King David, he was not with his brothers waiting to be anointed as king to success king Soul. As the pendulum swung to the side of Alhaji Umaru Yar’Adua the then Governor of Kastina State, some of the top contenders of the Presidential post were so sure that they could also make it as a running mate since they were so popular in the Region the vice President was zoned to. Yet the same Goodluck Jonathan never dreamt that the he could be anointed as he stayed away of Eagles square the convention ground. As the president candidate of the people Democratic party primary result was announced and the Katsina State Governor, Umaru Yar’Adua emerged as the candidate, little did we know that Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan that never showed any interest will be nominated as the Yar’Adua’s running mate. When the news of the emergence of Goodluck Jonathan as the Vice President aspirant, Nigerians were surprised because his name was not among possible candidate of the people democratic party. He was invited to the venue like David that was away in the field with his father’s cattle. Even when David was anointed he never assumed office as the king of the Land of Israel not until the death of King Saul in the battle that the young man David became the king of Israel. Like Jonathan he was the Vice President to President Umaru Yar’Adua until the passing away of the President after long battle with Ill health, until he was able to assumed office as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. But before David became the king in Israel, he fought the greatest battle with the strongest man of Philistine called goliath. David worn the battle against Goliath whom the people of Israel thought nobody could defeat even the king of Israel Saul. Looking into the life of Goodluck Jonathan, he also fought the same political battle when he fought gallantly with strong and influential politicians in the general election, and eventually worn the Presidential election. This is what God the Creator of heaven and earth says about the chosen King David. “Why do Nations plan rebellion? Why do people make evil plots? Their King revolt, their rulers plot together against the Lord and against the Lord Anointed. Let us free ourselves from their rule, they say let us throw off their control from his throne in heaven the Lord laughs and mocks their feeble plans. Then he warns them in anger and terrifies them with his fury. On Zion, my sacred hill he says, I have installed my King. I will announce, says the king what the Lord has declared. He said to me you are my son. Today I have become your father. Ask, and I will give you all the nations. This is the word of the God to a chosen king David who ruled the land of Israel for forty years. Goodluck Jonathan like David had been chosen from the day he was born. Fighting the chosen king is like fighting God the creator of Heaven and earth. He has made him a king and anointed him like King David. This is one of the hidden things in the life of President Goodluck Jonathan that most people fail to know. God created him and bestowed upon him a supper natural favour that sees him through in life. Like I have noted before, he doesn’t struggle for any position like most people. He is always favored and guided by God in whatever he does. Goodluck Jonathan in Israel. When the news of Dr. Goodluck Jonathan leading the Christian pilgrims to Jerusalem broke out some people cried foul and gave him all kind of names. Some said that he was leading almost the members of his cabinet to Israel to waste the country’s money the more. Some also complained why he should travel with the Christian pilgrims to Israel when the country is facing too many challenges. Little did they know that Dr. Goodluck Jonathan was to seek the face of the creator of Heaven and earth, the God almighty and not to waste the nation money as they thought. A king that seeks the face of God almighty never fails in his plans. He was born as a humble and God fearing man. He believed that with God all things are possible. Yet in Israel we could see that President Goodluck Jonathan knelt down with other pilgrim terms. Some people may have criticized why a President of a nation should do tha, but for President Jonathan he knows that God almighty is supreme and the greatest king in the world. He took Nigeria and problems faced to God for divine intervention. Let us look into the life of King David again. In the book of Psalms, we could see that in all he did he always recognized God the creator. He prayed several time God for the nation, the people and for him be able to rule his people. Take a look at one of his prayers; “Psalm 72. “Teach the king to judge with your righteousness, O God; share with your own Justice, so that he will rule over your people with justices and govern the oppressed with righteousness. May the land enjoy prosperity may it experience righteousness. May the king judge the poor fairly; may he help the needy and defeat their oppressors; may the king be like rain on the fields like showers falling on the land. May righteousness flourish in this life time, and may prosperity last as long as long as the moon gives light his Kingdom will reach from sea to sea, from the Euphrates to the ends of the earth. The people of the desert will how down before him; his enemies will throw themselves to the ground. All kings will bow down before him, all nations will serve him. He rescues the poor who call to him and those who are needy and neglected. He has pity on the weak and poor. He rescues them from oppression and violence; their lives are precious to him. Long live the king! May he be given gold from Arabia may prayers be said for him at all times. “May God’s blessing be on him always. May there be plenty of grain in the land, may the hills be covered with crops as fruitful as those of Lebanon. May the city be filled with people like fields full of grass. May the Kings name never be forgotten; may his fame last as long as the sun” HIS prayer for the Nation President Goodluck Jonathan learnt from King David, and tried all means to follow his steps. In all his daily activities, he put God first. In Jerusalem, his prayer points were all centered on the same prayers of King David. He knows that he cannot do it alone, and that with God by his side every enemy will be brought down. Below is part of his prayers. Why have you abandoned us like this, O God? Will you be angry with your own people forever? Remember your people, whom you chose for yourself long ago, whom you brought out of slavery to be your own tribe. Remember mount Zion, where once you lived. Walk over these total ruins; our enemies have destroyed everything in the temple. Your enemies have shouted in triumph in your temple; they have placed their flags there a signs of victory. They look like woodmen cutting down trees with their axes. They wrecked your temple and set it on fire; they desecrated the place where you are worshiped. They wanted to crush us completely; they burned down every holy place in the land. All our scared symbols are gone; there are no prophet left; and no one knows how long this will last. How long O God, will our enemies laugh at you? Will they insult your name forever? Why have you refused to help us? Why do you keep your hands behind you? But you have saved us many times. With your mighty strength you divide the sea and smashed the heads of the sea monsters; you mad springs and fountains flow; you dried up large rivers, you created the day and the night you set the sun and the moon in their places. But remember; O lord that your enemies laugh at you, that they are godless and despise you. Don’t aboandon your helpless people to their cruel enemies; don’t forget your persecuted people. Remember the covenant you made with us. There is violence in every dark corner of the land. Don’t let the oppressed be put to shame; let those poor and needy people praise you.” When other were moving from place to place, President Goodluck Jonathan was busy looking for God the author and the finisher of our faith. He owns everything to God. We shouldn’t forget that not only in Israel that Goodluck Jonathan knelt down, he also did the same in Redeem Christian Church where he visited Pastor E.A Adeboye. He believed that it was God that made him to be what he is today, and that dame God knows what he will be tomorrow. He doesn’t despise the power of God and that is why often time he smiles because he knows that God he believed in can do all things. By W.C Pressly Ebie
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 13:13:14 +0000

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