ANOINTING WATER WASHES AWAY PROBLEMS OF SMOKING, DRINKING AND MASTURBATION Mr Welcome Skiti from South Africa struggled with the problem of lust and masturbation for 20 years. This problem affected him severely and caused him to be angry, lazy and lose concentration. He decided to go to church and became a preacher but he was not delivered yet. He soon discovered that he was still battling with masturbation and started smoking and drinking heavily. It affected his life that he could not communicate or work with women in a normal work environment because he would always have lustful thoughts. The problem became worse and it was difficult for him to learn even one verse in the Bible. He went to many churches looking for help but could not find any solution. One day, he was introduced to Emmanuel TV. After watching it for a while, he dreamt he was in The SCOAN and Prophet T.B. Joshua called him out of the congregation and delivered him. After that, Prophet T.B. Joshua told him that it was over. Two days after his dream, he discovered that the urge of smoking, drinking and womanizing was gone! He testified that it has now been three years since he had been delivered from smoking, drinking and masturbation. His promise to God is to follow Him for the rest of his life. He advises ministers of God to first experience Christ before working for Him. If you have any problem, come to Jesus and He will open the way for you.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 14:33:47 +0000

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