...ANOTHER ACHAN?... A single sister came to seek for - TopicsExpress


...ANOTHER ACHAN?... A single sister came to seek for counsel, she was involved in the sin of fornication with a single brother in her church; both workers! Though, she felt sorry after the incident and decided to refrain herself from activities in church, benched herself just to seek forgiveness from God and make her ways right with God. But, she was disturbed! Why? Because the brother was still officiating in the church. She was always bitter when she see him mount the podium to give any talk! This hindered her prayers and she couldnt concentrate anymore in that location! She then said: I think I need to run as far as I can. I feel hatred whenever I see this brother. Isnt he also supposed to discipline himself and seek forgiveness from God? He even told me that kissing isnt a sin!.... She went on and on! After much counsels, she was also advised to open up to her leader! This was so difficult for her to do. She was then told the story of Achan! It is not enough to seek forgiveness from God since both are workers in the same church. She needed to also open up to the leader/head so that she can free herself, help save the brother who is still offering strange fire to God and not be a stumbling block/hindrance to the flow of Gods power in that church! We all know the story of Achan in the Bible, when he disobeyed God and hid goods in the tent! This led to the defeat of the children of Israel by their enemies! The sin of Achan brought judgement upon the Israelites. God said He would not be with them in battle until the goods were brought forth and the sin dealt with. Achan had the chance to repent and confess his sins openly to Joshua their leader but he refused! He waited hoping no one would know he was the guilty one. But we all know what happened? The next morning, the Lord helped Joshua(their leader) discover the guilty man(Achan). The Lord then commanded that Achan and all that belonged to him (his sons and daughters, oxen, donkeys), were taken with him into a valley and burnt! What a tragic end for Achan! If only he was wise enough to confess openly, though suffer shame just for a little while but enjoy Gods peace and hope of Heaven. ...We see no more our signs...Has God changed...So much activities today, but little/no revival...Why?. How do we expect to see our signs and expect God to move in our midst, when we have allowed sin and the devil has crept in unnoticed! We have so many Soiled hands; Stained garments; Achans in the camp; all offering strange fire to God! MERCY, O LORD! God has not changed! He is still willing to move and rain down His power like in the days of Elijah and other saints of old; but can He dwell where sin abounds? NO!!! All who belong to the Lord Jesus are part of one big family, and when one of us sins, we hurt the whole family. We dishonour the Lord and we hurt other Christians as well. My dear brothers/sisters, do you still have an unconfessed sin and hiding under the guise of activities in your church? If you fail to repent and confess, “..Be sure your sin will find you out-Numbers 32:23. Would you delay till your sinful act brings Gods wrath not only on you but on your generations to come? Proverbs 28:13: He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. Dont be deceived, you are not safe with that unconfessed sin! You may hide from men, but nothing is ever hidden from God, His eyes are everywhere! You are never out of Gods sight! Perhaps Mom and Dad are not looking but God knows about it already. God is a holy God and wants a holy people. He hates sin and will punish sinners; but to those who are willing to confess and repent, He is also a loving God and will abundantly pardon! Dont hinder Gods power and revival upon His children whose cries goes up to Him daily; Dont be another ACHAN! Confess that sin before it is too late! Funmibi Cares but GOD CARES MORE!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 07:33:11 +0000

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