ANOTHER ATTIUDE ADJUSMENT...SOME WILL LEARN HARD LESSON LIKE THAT OL PROUD ATTITUDE OF KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR Dan:5 vs 20 But when His heart became arrogant and hardened with Pride...He was deposed from His royal throne and stripped of His Glory! He was driven away from the people and given the mind of an animal, He lived with the wild donkeys, and ate grass like cattle, And his body was drenched with the dew of heaven until...He acknowledged that the Most High God Is Sovereign over the Kingdoms of Men, and sets over them anyone He wishes! There are men who have refused to acknowledge God! (In this Hour) These are men of leadership! Men in high position! And because they have been proud and arrogant, and have hardened their heart, against the Lord, Now they shall be brought down! Driven out and removed! These are men who sought to covet for themselves, what actually belongs to God! These are men who sought to covet the Glory of the Lord for themselves! These are men who have continually refused and resisted the Holy Spirit, and to release and give God whats His! These are men who sought to build their own Kingdom apart from God! These are men who have tried to steal the Treasures of God! Men who have continually brought disgrace and dishonor to the Name of the Lord! I speak to You, In the power and authority of Jesus Christ! I say to you, your reign is over! You will now be stripped! For your own Insanity will drive you out! For in your foolishness, you thought you could stand against Almighty God? I say to you, You are being brought down! You, who tried to play God? You who mocked and sneered In your arrogance and pride and thought to yourself, I will get away with this? You who thought you were more powerful than God? I have a message for you! You are being replaced! Your reign is over! It is finished! And the Lord will raise up and set in place Sons of God! A man after His Heart! Yielded vessels for the Lord! Sons of obedience! And the Spirit of Truth shall reign In Them! And they shall bring Glory to the Father! These are the saints of the Most High! They have been risen to establish Justice on the earth! And people will say, NOW the Kingdom of God Is Here! In our Midst! And many shall be saved! and brought Into the Kingdom of God! And it is written! Every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess, The Lordship of Jesus Christ! And to God be the GLORY! 1cor:2 we do however speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing, No! we speak of Gods secret wisdom, that has been hidden and that God destined for our Glory, before time began, None of the rulers of this age understood it! For if they had, they would have not crucified the Lord of Glory, However...It is written No eye has seen! No ear has heard! No mind has conceived! What God has prepared for those who Love Him! But God has revealed it to us, by His Spirit! Let all who agree say Amen! __________________ NEW JERUSALEM
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 22:51:41 +0000

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