ANOTHER BREIF NOTE FROM MY JERUSALEM FRIEND Dear Brother and sisters, Just a brief note. As the Yom Kippur sun begins to angle downward, I am filled with such a joy and wonder at the command to observe this unique day. I can only step back and look: a day when we are commanded to come before Him and search our hearts and seek true repentance. Can you picture WHATEVER country you live in, closing down ALL stores, media, transportation, air space, borders and calling the nation to prayer and fasting? Well…the ‘country’ didn’t do it but our God did…and it struck me that the fact that this is done in the modern state of Israel is demonstration of the power of The Living God still at work, even among us. What a witness to His faithfulness! I can’t imagine ANY country – no matter how ‘religious’ - taking a ‘vote’ to ‘close down and seek God’ and then doing it. They would be laughed off the face of the earth. It witnesses to me that there is still a certain amount of the fear of God even here. His Hand still reveals Himself. He does not grow old and feebly pass away, but this world will. His Power and His Glory WILL be seen and made manifest in the weakest of sheep who cleaves to Him with every fiber. I just finished reading through the book of Hebrews and oh, the reminder of the power of His Blood and Covenant! What a plan and way He has through the mess of this world…and even the messes that we may have in our lives (or am I the only one?) Every year, without exception, the weather on Yom Kippur is unusually and oppressively HOT and DRY. Who could order that? Who could orchestrate something like that but The Creator? This year we have had a beautiful summer…cooler then usual and even with clouds occasionally and moisture in the air. I wondered ‘Will this be the year that it isn’t oppressively hot and dry on Yom Kippur?’ Over the past 2 days the temperature has suddenly and dramatically risen some 10-15 degrees to peak today way up in the high 30s (high 90s-100s). My husband just came in from a walk; ‘The wind changed.’ He said; ‘ It won’t be hot tomorrow. It’s not coming off of the desert now but shifted to from the ocean…I can feel it!’ How FAITHFUL is He? How He even reveals Himself in the weather…this One Who is our Shade from the sun and our Pillar of Fire and Cloud against the devastation of the world and the enemy! It is HIM Who is revealed in the smallest and largest of things Who provides and Who chastens…and Who leads ALL the way home! It has been a GOOD day and I am thankful for the privilege to report to you from the ‘inside’ sealed off Israel, that HE IS FAITHFUL, even on a day with ‘no news’. It was (for me) NOT a day of particularly powerful intercession, but a day of sitting at His Feet…and for that I am so thankful. I am thankful for Who He is and who each of you are IN Him. May YOU be encouraged and strengthened as His body. May you shine forth for His glory…and me too…as we begin to move on to Sukkot! Lovingly, your sis in Jerusalem "There is far more joy learning to dance in the rain then in avoiding the storm." mary ellen daughter of the King Galatians 2:20
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 18:25:35 +0000

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