ANOTHER DEVELOPMENTAL LAPSES HERE IN CHEREPONI My conscience will allow me to settle having finish with this sturf. First and foremost I want to believe that I belong to society known as Chereponi naturally and is not by mistake likewise you and therefore there is not uncertain terms you and I can both boast of any other district apart from Chereponi.That is why it is equally important that we should be concern about the happenings and the progress of the district.Some year back Chereponi was not like that in terms of development ,we were lacking some basic social amenities such as light,communication facility and more importantly not even a district status. Indeed it took somebody to work tirelessly and selflessly to bring all those to bare and so we starting enjoying them and unfortunately she pass on OH RIP.Since leadership and development is a continue business somebody also stepped in and did his part,I pay tribute to them all.In 2010 there about government issued a policy statement but i stand to be corrected that every district capital should have a community radio(FM) so that members can be educated,informed and entertained.It again took somebody and the assembly to sacrifice to pull resources together to bring fore the the FM in order that they adhered to the directive of the government and for that matter radio Labari was born at the lastest part 2012 which I still have personal problem with such a name to the station but that is not the issue under discussion. I want to ask the good people of Chereponi whether indeed we are actually informed,educated and entertained by this FM?.Do we have value for money as for as the FM station is concern? .Do we have the requisite personnels to man this magnificent assets of ours?.Do we also have structure in place to monitor and advice appropriately when there is problems?.Are my leaders also perturbed about this FM situation like me? then if yes what are they doing about it. In fact having travelled to some part of the north such BUNKPURUGU YUNYOO,GARU TEMPANE,WALEWALE,BIMBILLA,DAMAGO,SAVULGU,JIRAPAR districts among others their community radios are doing well but come down to my own Chereponi nothing to run home about and disheartening.Oh God safe us. SUGGESTION; 1.Total revolution must be made, going forward authentic board should be form to see too the running of the station. 2.Since the radio station belong us,as district lets recruit qualified personels or sponsor some people to be trained and brought back to man the station. 3.In the short time in order not to shut the station down,invite people like Odada amanfo,prince Tahiru wayamson,Nico and that they can bring diversity to the daily activities of the station.These names I have mentioned do not suggest that they are professionals however they have been tested when we were having local FM in foboro some years back with some little training they will catch up. In conclusion i entreat my leaders and all concern ones to treat this with all seriousness it deserves because this is a big and poweful assets to the district and cannot be allowed to play with under any circumstance. This is my CONCERN comrades. GOD BLESS OUR HOMELAND CHEREPONI.
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 05:28:16 +0000

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