ANOTHER MAGNUM OPUS by MINDANAOAN Serafin Ledesma Jr. Another - TopicsExpress


ANOTHER MAGNUM OPUS by MINDANAOAN Serafin Ledesma Jr. Another must read piece. --- I am now reposting... Other Voices, Other Rooms By Jun Ledesma I want to borrow the title of the masterpiece of Truman Capote as a caption of this piece. The semblance only ends with the title. It just so happens that in the discourses and clash of opinions on the issue of Federalism and what the National Transformation Council are all about, the views differ on the bases of what perspective one is coming from. From where I stand the dynamics in the exchanges of ideas reveal how fragmented we are and how much damage has politics and the present system of government have done to our values and morals. Former MILF spokesman Eid Kabalu views BBL with apprehension and he dubs BBL (Bangsamoro Basis Law) as “babala” or warning. Kabalu is coming from an environment where arms struggle was/is the language used to obtain autonomy hoping to correct what was perceived as injustices the system committed on the Bangsamoro people. The fact is that while he is obviously referring to the conflict areas the inequalityafflicts the entire region of Mindanao and all the peoples that inhabit it. Certainly this is a product of a systemic defect in the government. Kabalu’s apprehension stems from the possibility that BBL will have a rough sailing in the plebiscite and if by any Chinaman’s chance this will pass Congress and the plebiscite some quarters will question the law before the Supreme Court. Kabalu says given that scenario it is best that another option be resorted to. His view of course only came on the heels of Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte’s advocacy for the country to migrate to Federalism. He, along with the rest of Mindanao’s influential political, religious and business leaders are pushing for a Federal System of government without prejudice to the crusade of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and the government for BBL to be approved. In fact the way I see it, if BBL succeeds then the seed of Federalism will in effect take root in Mindanao. If it hits a snag, then the Federalists can reach for the baton and continue with the struggle. Because the aspirations are the same, a parallel move is now in motion: to get that BBL approved in a plebiscite and Federal movement to gain momentum. Some quarters however find it incomprehensible why there is a need for yet another autonomous region for Muslims and why the need to change the unitary system. A very incensed post in Jess Dureza’s FB where I contributed my two cents worth argued that it is not the system that is to be blamed for the iniquity besetting Mindanao. The political leaders are the ones who ought to be blamed, he postulates. He went on to say that ARMM failed or is failing because those who administer it wasted the money in corruption. Reflective of some cruel biases are claims that Muslims cannot live in peace and that they cannot be trusted. Still another post, this one coming from Manila, riled that corruption is a minute, meaning small, issue to rally behind the cause of Federalism and the agenda of the National Transformation Council. Exasperated, he suspected, and he claims that he knew, that there is a bigger agenda behind the Federal movement and NTC. Other voices, other rooms. And the voices reveal how differently are the views on the iniquities, disparities in the dispersals and allocations of budgets, government services and the epic graft and corruption that bedevils the country today. The voices reflect how deeply ingrained are the prejudices and how damaged are the nation’s sense of values. Metro Manilans do not worry or would even find it incredulous why Mindanaoans indulge in exaggeration over the small issue of corruption. Indeed, they cannot be faulted. All the best and modern infrastructures are there. The skyways and freeways, north and south radiate from the center of the national capital region to all the satellite growth centers in Luzon. The railways are there, never mind if they are managed by incompetents, but the MRTs and LRTs are there. The fare is subsidized and taxpayers from Visayas and Mindanao, many of whom have yet to see a train contribute to that subsidy. The best of government hospitals are at the NCR and not a few who are employed in these institutions are drawing their salaries from plantilla positions allocated for Mindanao and Visayas. Structures are reaching for the skies. Around NCR are Exports Processing Zones.Billions of pesos are spent for skyways to transport gamblers from the three airport terminals in NAIA to the gambling meccas. Corruption in government? Naaah! It’s indeed a minute issue. Closer to home, in Davao City, considered to be the most highly urbanized city in Mindanao, the local government has to borrow money from banks to put up a modicum of drainage system. It’s one step at a time. Borrow money for traffic lights. Buy vehicles for the police and put up the 911 emergency apparatus. The city authority is doing all that is doable within its means to make the city peaceful and safe hoping that in the atmosphere of peace and security investors will come. And they came. But what about the other places in Mindanao? How can they catch up with the progress of Metro Manila when the fiscal policy of the government effectively bars and ban the development of the growth centers of Mindanao? Many of those who sneer at the idea of a Federal system and are in the askance why my Muslim brothers rebel. They too are not aware that the allocation of funds is based on population and on political affiliation? How can Mindanao and Visayas and maybe the Bicol Region compete when government pours trillions in NCR? Naturally with the network of infrastructures and government services concentrated in the region investment capitals gravitate towards Imperial Manila to be followed later by flocks of people seeking jobs and other opportunities. There is voice of contentment in NCR. Voice of resentment in Visayas. Voice of discontent in Mindanao. This is not an ideal condition that should be condoned in perpetuity. -30-
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 10:54:56 +0000

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