ANOTHER NOSTRADAMUS PROPHECY GOING TO BE FULFILLED? SHOBHAN SIRKAR (THE SAINT OF SHOBHAN) AND THE GOLDEN TREASURE Today, the Saint of Shobhan is in limelight throughout the world due to his prophecy regarding possibility of discovery of a golden treasure in Utter Pradesh, India; but I happen to know about him and his miraculous powers since many years. In fact, the cosmic powers themselves guided me to meet him. In order to strengthen the assessments with regard to the future events, it will not be otherwise to narrate my meeting with this saint living in village near Kanpur. This meeting has been an ‘enlightenment’ and miraculous addition to decipher the puzzle surrounding Nostradamus. It was in the third week of June 2006 when I along with my friends Manjul Misra and S.N. Mishra went to see the saint. I must admit that I had been lucky to experience many a miracle in my life. I was also susceptible to the idea as to how a saint living far away from the madding city crowds, not frequent in meeting to public at large, having no access to modern communication links, could be aware of the works of Nostradamus whom he rated as a prophet of junior level as compared to saints and seers of India. The basic difference as cited by the Saint between saints like Soordas and Nostradamus was that the saints perceived and developed the wisdom from the insight of their own self; while Nostradamus was used as a tool by the Divine so as to exhibit the happenings at appropriate times in the future course of human lives on planet earth. This visit to the Saint was an outcome of the inquisitiveness arising out of emergence of a small picture of an UFO (Flying Saucer) upon a piece of paper which was put by me in my place of worship with the wish that the Divine may communicate/guide our Study Circle in correctly interpreting the Nostradamus prophecies. I had to seek its meaning; hence the aforesaid visit to the saint. If there are miracles, then I must admit without reservation that real miracles are not done to impress people for petty gains; the same are projected to show the power and will of Divine, and it so happened that during the discussions in my friend circle regarding the emergence of picture of the flying saucer on a piece of paper, I came to know that a flying saucer had recently visited the holy place in full view of the Saint and other inmates of his Ashram. The flying saucer was invisible till it emerged and remained over the premises of Ashram. Expecting some co-relation and clues, I along with my friends, went and had a talk with the seer. The seer told me that the flying saucer was visible in full glory when it came over the Ashram, and was witnessed not only by him but also by his Ashram inmates. The UFO was cited at a height of about twenty meters from the ground. Then, I understood the meaning of the appearance of the picture of UFO on the piece of paper put in my ‘pooja room’. It was to guide me to the Saint, in whose Ashram the UFO had actually emerged, to have further clues about the interpretations of Nostradamus prophecies. In fact, it was very unusual for the Saint to meet someone and discuss any matter in detail, but the Saint actually explained me a lot about such predictions. Accordingly, the prophecies are made by the Unseen Power, and can be put in three categories, namely:- (A) Those prophecies which the Divine makes to let the world believe about His existence. These are recorded in the Universal Mind, from where the prophet reads and narrates, sometimes even many centuries before the occurrence of those incidents. The meanings of such prophecies can not be known beforehand (B) The second category of prophecies are regarding those events which apparently look to be possible to be averted by good understanding, deeds, and efforts of the mankind under guidance of elevated souls. These prophecies are made for this purpose only. (C) Prophecies under third category can not be changed as the Creator does not allow any latitude in flouting His will. Needless to say; all these three type of prophecies are manifested as and when the Divine Order wants them so. The writings of Nostradamus contain all these three types of prophecies. Discussions with the Saint have confirmed us the accuracy of many of predictions; change of order in India will start from Northern India , perhaps Utter Pradesh. Other events that are likely to occur in future are: (i) The divine powers would take control of situation in the world by 2014, starting from India, to bring about a golden period of 1000 years. (ii) This control would be visible in India by 27th July 2014. The corrupt politicians would be eliminated from the scene, and due to the presence of cosmic consciousness, more and more people would become aware about the need of cleanliness in public life. (iii) The cosmic powers would make available to India certain hidden treasures which would be used in solving various problems facing the country. This event has been predicted by Nostradamus in prophecy no. 27, chapter 1, Beneath the tree of Gienne, struck by lighting, The treasure is hidden not far from there, That which from many centuries had been gathered, A man will die his eye pierced by a spring. The said treasure cited by the saint of Shobhan, is actually hidden beneath a tree. The use of word ‘gathered’ by Nostradamus is very significant because the said treasure was gathered there having been brought from many places. When its whereabouts were known, it was raining; lightning struck and a big rainbow appeared there in the sky indicating presence of gold. A person had already died earlier in pursuit of the treasure. However, the digging party must be aware and careful regarding any fresh casualty. This indicates that the stage has already been set for a golden period to start in India by 27th July 2014, as predicted in SRIMADBHAGWAT and by other seers. My recent visit to ‘TAMRAPOTHI’ in Orissa, where the power of LORD VISHNU is said to answer the questions put forward to the TAMRAPOTHI, clearly answered my question in affirmative where I asked – Is the power of Lord Vishnu going to take over the control of India’s consciousness before 27th July 2014 (the date derived from Srimadbhagwat) to bring about a golden period in India? Earlier, my experiences with the Saint of Shobhan were published in EST. As this magazine goes to many countries; I received lot of inquiries. A person from USA mailed me to inform that there was a similar Ashram in USA which was sometimes visited by UFOs. Later, when I went to the Ashram of Saint of Shobhan, he pointed to me and many other persons gathered there, an UFO passing nearby his Ashram. It seem that the Cosmic Hierarchy, which has been described in Gita to be the KINGS of MANKIND, actually holds a fleet of UFOs to be used at appropriate times. This has been also been forecast by Gautam Buddha as recorded in the literature possessed by the Dalai Lama.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 05:57:39 +0000

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