ANOTHER PROFANITY WARNING (quite a bit more this time - TopicsExpress


ANOTHER PROFANITY WARNING (quite a bit more this time too) Apparently, in the US today, you can burn the American flag, urinate on crosses and defame Christianity with impunity while still being afforded your GOD-GIVEN right to free speech. Offensive speech and actions against preferred minorities is protected by the law enforcement machinery while Christians and Americans must remain tolerant of others to their own detriment. Can someone tell me why we lend material support to the very same groups that will rape our children and behead all of us ’infidels’ in the streets when they get a strong enough foothold in the United States just like they do in places all over the globe? Face it. To them there is no tolerance. QUIT PREACHING TO ME ABOUT YOUR UNAVAILABLE UTOPIA WHERE I AM TO COEXIST WITH THESE MONSTERS! To them there is Allah. Their prophet is what the rest of the world would define as a heartless pedophile and cold-blooded murderer. To them it is their religion or NOTHING! They know nothing nor can even comprehend the idea of coexistence. Go preach to them of your utopia and when you get their empty little heads wrapped around the idea of coexistence then come talk to me! I doubt you will have any luck. You stand a better chance of getting your head wrapped around a machete. Someone tell me. I bet I get nothing but the sound of chirping crickets! The cold hard truth is… After a week of looting, executions and forced conversion of residents to Islam, Syrian Rebels are now fleeing the Christian city of Maaloula (Muh-LOO-luh). An on-going army offensive has now dislodged Jihadists from many parts of town but the fighting remains heavy while the black flag of Islamic Jihadists continues to fly over the city. youtube/watch?v=Ln3UIefx0bM In case you missed that, it said that (emphasis added) SYRIAN REBELS that have been LOOTING, EXECUTING and FORCING RESIDENTS OF THE CHRISTIAN CITY TO CONVERT TO ISLAM for A WEEK. Yet we support them? We put ourselves in a position where we are going to assist them? DO YOU WANT TO SEE MORE OF THIS SHIT? You think that’s an isolated case? That not all Muslims are like that? Well, I’d rather be safe than sorry. You don’t turn your back on them and you certainly don’t ARM AND DEFEND THEM! If the last link didn’t piss you off, or even if it did, check this out: While you’re pulling your head out of your ass check out what the religion of peace is doing over in Thailand… barenakedislam/2012/02/13/thailand-muslims-in-the-south-are-slaughtering-buddhists-in-order-to-ethnically-cleanse-the-area-warning-graphic-images/ …yeah, really makes me want to reach out and tolerate some new underwear-on-the-outside friends. But, of course, sending our children off to schools to be indoctrinated in pacifism so they emerge as helpless lemmings while you spend your days working to fund your own slavery, trading money for your time (money is a construct - your time irreplaceable) so you can give it all away to some other fat cat prior to rushing home to prepare a hastily made (and probably nowhere near nutritious) dinner that will be consumed without conversation in front of the television set watching GOD ONLY KNOWS what kind of demoralizing crap is somehow more important, too time-consuming, to allow you a few fleeting moments to face reality; too tired to give a damn much less do anything about it. America, you make me sick. Your sloth, lust and gluttony will forever be recorded as the reasons that freedom no longer exists on this planet. It will be documented in books that the sheep won’t be able to get their hands on nor be able to read should they be so lucky to find themselves in possession. You say you care for your children and your posterity? Yeah? Well, I’m calling bullshit and you can kiss my pock-marked and pimpled ass if you don‘t like it. If you did you would make damn sure that freedom continues its ring. You would get off your fat ass and get involved. You would see the change because you would be the change. You would take more than a passing interest but an active responsibility in educating your children as you see fit. You would honor your vows and make your marriages work and provide a family for your children and if you were in a fractured home you would do everything in your power to insure that your children get to see their other parent and avoid EVER berating him/her to your children. You would wedge yourself so far up your representatives asses that they couldn’t help but fulfill your demands for action in saving this country if not for you then FOR YOUR CHILDREN. I was once a pen-pal with the late, great Ronald Reagan. He would always remind me, as he would anyone that would listen, that freedom is always one generation from extinction and implore me to not let it perish on my watch. It looks like I have let him down. If you wanted to preserve freedom for your posterity you would embrace, utilize and practice critical thinking and take nothing as the truth unless you independently verify the veracity of the reports around you. You wouldn’t simply scroll past posts such as this calling for action to save our once great nation. If you read this far then you get a trophy just like the ones we give to all the loser kids for finishing last in whatever. Prove it and give me your thoughts for saving this sinking ship.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 13:27:53 +0000

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