ANSWERS TO FALSE ACCUSATION:ISLAM AND TERRORISM (PART 3-END): (2) To defend the enemy, who attacks and occupy Muslim homes and lands, and free humans from injustice and oppression: Allah (sw) dislikes injustice, and our conscious dislikes tyranny and can not help but to free people and declare the truth and justice, on which earths and skies were established.And why you should not fight in the cause of Allah and those who, being weak are ill-treated (and oppressed)? men, women, and children whose cry is :OUR LORD! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will protect; and raise for us from thee one who will help!.(Quran,75). Supporting and giving good news to those who dies while supporting their religion, people or properties,Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:The Muslim who killed defending his wealth,his family, himself,or his religion is a martyr.(Tirmidhee(1421), Abu Dawood(4772)). There are principles,curbs and the rules that Muslim should consider when performing Jihad, which distinguish it from terrorism , among them: (1) To accept peace and armistice, if the enemy asks for it, Allah (sw) says,:But if the enemy inclines towards peace, do you (also) incline towards peace and trust in Allah:for He is the One that hears and knows (all things).Should they intend to deceive you,verily God suffices you.(Quran,8:61-62). (2) Not to kill children, women,old people, slaves, religious men and others, those who are not participating in the war. The forbidding of killing those people, is mentioned in the sunna. Abdullah bin Omar(RA) said. A dead woman was found in one of the battles, the prophet(pbuh) ordered not to kill the women, or children.(Bukhari(3015),Muslim(1744). When he sent any army to fight,prophet Muhammad(pbuh) used to say,:Go by the name of Allah(sw) and follow the religion of His messenger, do not kill any elderly, a child, a youngster, or a woman. Do not exaggerate, gather your loot, act with manner,and treat people kindly, indeed, Allah loves the kind.(Abu Dawood,2614). Regarding the forbidding of killing women, slaves and those who do not participate in the war, prophet Muhammads(pbuh) companion RABAH BIN AL-RABEE said: We were with a prophet(pbuh) in an invasion. He (pbuh) saw people gathering around something, then, he called a man and told him,Go and find out why they are gathering? The man came back and said,:For a dead woman. The prophet(saw) replied:She was not supposed to fight. The leader of the army in this invasion was Khalid bin Al-Waleed. The prophet(pbuh) sent a man and asked him to tell Khalid,The prophet(pbuh) orders you not to kill servants or women.(Abu Dawud(2669),Ibn Majah (2842)). When the prophet Muhammad(pbuh) sent a brigade into the HUNAIN battle, they killed the enemies including the women and children.When they returned, disapproving their deed,Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said:Why did you kill these children? They answered,They were the offspring of the pagans. correcting their understanding,he(pbuh) replied,The best among you were the children of pagans too,I swear By Allah that each person is born with an instinct of believing in Allah, until he/she declares or denies it.(Ahmad(15161)). Thus the prophet Muhammad(pbuh) forbade the killing of children of non-Muslims. Moreover he (pbuh) told that the children are born with instinct of believing in Allah(sw) and they are considered as such until they grow and make their own choice between embracing Islam or follow the religion of their parents. Among those whom Islam forbids killing, are the priests, because they do not fight.In this regard, ABU BAKR(RA),The prophet Muhammad(pbuh) successor commanded the leader of the Muslim army that was sent to Syria,saying,:You will find people who claim that they confine themselves for Allah(sw) leave them (do not harm) to what they claim.(Mlik,982). Thus Islam is free from terrorism, this also applies to Muslims, who followed the principles of Jihad through their fighting history, and did not intend to spoil the earth, and we do have much evidences to prove that: The prominent historian, Will Durant said,:Muslims- as it seems-were real men and better than Christians; they cared more to keep their promises, and were more merciful.They seldom committed, during their history as much tyranny as Christians did when they attacked Jerusalem in year 1099 c.e.(They said about Islam,pp 245). GUSTAF LOPON said:Honestly, nation have never known victorious as merciful and tolerant as the Arabs, and a religion as tolerant as theirs.(Arab Civilization,GUSTAV LOPON,pp 720). In addition Lopon mentioned examples of Muslims dealing with non-Muslims, he says,:The Arab of Spain-never mind their great tolerance-were known for the ideal heroism;they were merciful with the weak, good with the defeated, fulfills their promises, and many other things, which the European Christian nation took from them lately.(Arab Civilization, GUSTAF LOPON, pp 344).Thus we see the difference between the Legal Jihad in Islam and the terrorists means that are practiced by some Muslims today, which Islam considers as crimes, but are attributed to Islam unfairly. Accusing Islam of terrorism is unfair, unjust and illogical. Those who claim this are far from truth and honestly, by accusing Islam of terrorism, and accusing some other religions of nothing. Judaism and Christianity for instance permits killing of women, children and others who have nothing to do with fighting.Thus says the LORD of hosts, go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have.Do not spare them,but kill both man and woman, child and infant,ox and sheep,camel and donkey.(Samuel(1) 15:2-3). We are not asking them to accuse others,but asking them to understand our religion.We are asking them to stop writing about Islam when they do not know the facts and the truth, or they should ceases finding excuses for their tyranny. We conclude by mentioning what the American Writer Andrew Paterson said:Violence in the name of Islam has nothing to do with Islam; yet it contradicts this religion,which means peace not violence.*TAKEN FROM BECOME ACQUAINTED WITH ISLAM BY DR. MUNQITH BEN MAHMOUD ASSAQAR pp 137-151. WALLAHU AALAM.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 03:37:55 +0000

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