ANTHONY!!!! :) You would not believe how hard it is to find a - TopicsExpress


ANTHONY!!!! :) You would not believe how hard it is to find a hallmark card from a stepmom to stepson. Jeez! At least not any that are nice lol! Apparently its unusual for two people like us to like each other-much less love each other! I mean, Im over here feeling like I just won the step-parent lottery or something! And to think, I even got the classic red-head, too! What are the odds?!?! lol! I got lucky-thats for sure, or, more accurately, blessed. I was blessed that you were woven into my life, and I am blessed knowing you chose to make room for me in your heart. Neither of us had any family obligation to motivate us to love each other-and thats what makes things between us so special; we chose to carve-out space for the other person voluntarily. And now that your 18 I cant help look back and smile at where you are, now, and that I got to take part in your life. Ive been blessed with the honor of watching you grow-up into a fine young man with your own unique personality and qualities that-without which, our family would have been slightly less than fully-awesome ha ha ! Always the quieter one in this family, it is that quiet nature that has served you well. A young man who listens before he speaks, and when you do speak, its usually something sensible or practical.You have a calming presence about you ( much like your Dad) Your smart and have a that Rogers sense of humor lol! You have the same aversion to Raaaasaisins ( good ol Ted Bear) and your the only one who shares my love and enthusiasm for books!(Which is a good thing, for me, considering Im writing you one, right now lol! ) You were the pet-lover, the kid who looked before he leaped, the one who got embarrassed and slid-down in your seat in the car to hide because we routinely did embarrassing-parent-stuff when out and about lol! The kid who cried a cry I have never heard, not will ever hear, again, that sounded identical to a firetruck siren lol! Out of all the kids who puked in my green car, you-by far, surpassed them! You were the 4 yr old kid who opened up a prank christmas present, and instead of being disappointed with all the junk inside, you excitedly pulled-out each item ( like used soap, an iron, and Jock-Itch ointment) with a smile and genuinely thankfulness for it all! Now look at you!!! Your athletic and strong, and not just physically ( though you have definitely turned yourself into a mini-hulk) your strong inwardly, too. Youve grown-up through and out of adversity, yet through it all, you have chosen to not let those difficulties turn you into a bitter or hard-hearted person. Love truly never fails, Anthony, and if there is anything Im proud of in you, its the way youve chosen to embrace that truth in your own life, and turn around and give-it out! By technical standards you are my stepson, but my heart has never made that distinction, in my heart you will forever be as valuable and cherished as any of my natural-born children. So Happy Birthday Mr. 18 year old...its been one heck of a journey, and one I wouldnt trade for anything! Love, Cindy :)
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 11:34:27 +0000

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