ANTI-COMMON CORE LOUIE GOHMERT TO RUN AGAINST JOHN BOEHNER FOR SPEAKER OF U. S. HOUSE: https://youtube/watch?v=1zCAMTZDmeE ACTION STEP: If you want Louie Gohmert to be the speaker of the U. S. House rather than John Boehner, please contact your House members and express your views. ========= Congressman Louie Gohmert co-sponsored Resolution against Common Core: Congressional summary: Strongly denouncing the Presidents coercion of States into adopting the Common Core State Standards by conferring preferences in Federal grants -- [FYI: Please go to the above link, scroll to the bottom, and see how Gohmert and other Congressmen voted on the issue of Common Core Standards -- #14-HR0476 – Feb. 11, 2014. -- Donna Garner] ========= Denounce the Common Core State Standards. • Whereas the development of the Common Core State Standards has transformed into an incentives-based mandate from the Federal Government; • Whereas the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 prohibits the establishment of a national curriculum by the Department of Education; • Whereas President Barack Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced competitive grants through the Race to the Top program to adopt internationally benchmarked standards and assessments that prepare students for success in college and the workplace; Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that-- 1. States and local educational agencies should maintain the right and responsibility of determining educational curricula; 2. the Federal Government should not incentivize the adoption of common education standards; and 3. no application process for any Federal grant funds should provide any preference for the adoption of the Common Core State Standards. Source: HRes.476 & SRes.345 14-HR0476 on Feb 11, 2014 ======= To see how Congressman Louie Gohmert voted on many important issues, please go to: Donna Garner [email protected]
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 20:32:55 +0000

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