ANTICIPATE HUMAN DISAPPOINTMENTS “And while they were eating, - TopicsExpress


ANTICIPATE HUMAN DISAPPOINTMENTS “And while they were eating, he said, “I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me.” Matthew 26:21 Disappointments are normal and natural unavoidable parts of life. No matter how well you organize yourself and your activities, even in spite of your best efforts, you will experience disappointments over some issues. The more challenging the goals you set for yourself, the more the disappointment that will come. The most surprising aspect of it all is that those that will disappoint you the most are those that are very close to you – family members, co-workers, spouse, children and even one’s parents. The earlier you realize the fact that human beings are disappointing machines, the better. Those that disappointed Jesus Christ the most were those closest to Him. Peter and Judas Iscariot are examples that readily come to mind. These are the people that were eating and drinking with Him. They were even going from place to place preaching the gospel with Him (Matthew 26:69-75). Those that criticized Galileo’s revolutionary inventions the most during his life time (1564-1642), were his friends, jealous co-scientists. They were actually spreading rumours that he was heretic, but Galileo was never distracted. Even in house arrest, he continued to write and conduct research with pendulums. The fact that someone disappointed you does not mean you should not trust or relate with others. According to Matthew 26:34, Jesus had already envisaged that disappointments were coming. So when it occurred, He was never perplexed. It was the same Peter that He ultimately handed the church over to. Please know that the man who disappointed you today may become an asset tomorrow, doing something that will impress you. So this is life, always anticipate disappointment. Come to the level of understanding that human beings can disappoint at anytime. Take it off your mind quickly with prayers, maturity and continue with your life. Receive grace for maturity. Today is the dawn of your lifting in Jesus’ name. God bless you! Have a fruitful day! Prayer Points Oh Lord, take me to the level of maturity; give me a large mind in Jesus’ name. Spirit of forgiveness, come upon me now, I receive you now in Jesus’ name. Enhance my focus; sharpen my blurred vision in Jesus’ name. Give me grace to keep moving in spite of distractions. I refuse to be depressed by the pain of disappointments in Jesus’ name. BELOVED, I BELIEVE YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY THIS MESSAGE. TURNING POINT IS AN ONLINE DAILY DEVOTIONAL WRITTEN BY ONE OF MY FATHERS IN THE LORD, PASTOR FEMI EMMANUEL, THE SENIOR PASTOR OF LIVING SPRING CHAPEL INTERNATIONAL, WORLDWIDE. PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THERE IS A COPYRIGHT RESTRICTION ON THIS MESSAGE. THANKS FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING. GOD BLESS YOU.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 04:12:18 +0000

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