ANUNNAKI ARCHETYPES ARTICULATE INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE SUBSELVES WE MUST TRANSCEND TO UPLIFT HUMANITY: The Anunnaki Panel: Janet Kira & Dr. Sasha Lessin, Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg, Helen (Nell) Parks, Gillian DeArmond Green and Robert Evans, Jr. enkispeaks/2014/12/06/anunnaki-archetypes-articulate-individual-and-collective-subselves-we-must-transcend-to-uplift-humanity/ by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) The Anunnaki, 8-12 foot-tall Homo Sapiens from the planet Nibiru who adapted their genome to Earth with a few Homo Erectus genes, some copper and some African clay to created our species 300,000 years ago, dictated their doings to Sumerian Scribes some 11,000 years ago. The tales the Sumerians recorded of their “gods’ ” behavior and the observations of our ancestors imprinted behavioral propensities on us all that, if we remain unconscious of them, keep us competing, warring, slaving, and exploiting one another and the planet. If we become conscious of these Anunnaki models, voices, archetypes, ishidevas, paragons or subselves within us, we can find out what they really need beneath their demands. Their deepest needs, can--when we coordinate them from a higher, more inclusive and discriminating Center--lead both to personal integration and give us the empathy we need to synergize with others who seem to personify Anunnaki archetypes we tend to repress. The demand, for example, of our inner Rebel, personified by Marduk, the man promised rule of Nibiru but denied it, we can see that he needs recognition, affection, respect and see that he get it in ways that do not deny other aspects of ourselves their needs. The Munich Olympic terrorists who embody the need for respect gone demonic for denial, for example, who married, got jobs and families, stopped terrorizing. Particularly powerful Anunnaki archetypes are the stereotypes of the Patriarch (Enlil, Yahweh, Allah), the Matriarch (Inanna), the Partnership Mediator (Ninmah), the Scientist (Enki) and the Enlightened One (Ningishzidda-Thoth), the Protector (Ninurta), the Commerce Captain (Nannar), and the Rebel (Marduk). We all have each of these as manifest or latent inner voices that each, at base, beneath their unreasonable demands, has needs that, if coordinated from our centers, can be met. Dr. Lessin suggests to the panel members as well as you the audience and reader create a dialogue from your Center with each Anunnaki subself. Find out when that inner voice came out, how it has served you, what it wants, why it wants what it wants, and what it really needs. On this internet radio show, panel members share the Anunnaki archetypes--as well as the Creator-of-All-- that motivate them, as well as the archetypes they suppress. We ask you too, to ask each of your own subselves how you can honor and appreciate them. You assess your situation from your neutral inner Witness and coordinate your actions so all your inner selves get a chance to express themselves. When you accept all your archetypes, you notice how other people are just like you and extend empathy rather than enmity towards them. Here’s some of the prominent Anunnaki archetypes: Anu, Enki, Enlil, Ninmah, Nigishzidda, Marduk, Anu, Innana, Ereshkigal, Ninurta, Nannar, Nergal, Alalu. EXPERIENTIAL EXPERIMENT TO MAKE THIS INFO USEFUL TO YOU AND THE WORLD Here’s an exercise for you to use to explore the Anunnaki archetypes within YOU. Follow the instructions and, if so motivated, share your results on this site. enkispeaks/2014/12/06/anunnaki-archetypes-articulate-individual-and-collective-subselves-we-must-transcend-to-uplift-humanity/ *Close your eyes. Become centered and receptive. Picture or just feel as though youre in a special place, a sanctuary where you can receive a message from deeper consciousness. *Picture an Anunnaki archetype that symbolizes your current challenge, a fantasy you have, one of your repetitive life motifs, a mood or a worry youd like to understand better. Tell me what you see. *Identify with the archetype you thought of; become it. As it, say your NAME out loud. *As the archetype, say WHAT YOU ARE LIKE. *Become yourself again. Ask the Archetype a QUESTION. *Be the archetype again and reply. *As the archetype, tell the person playing you WHAT YOU WANT of her or him and what you need. *Be yourself again. Tell the archetype the realistic LIMITATIONS you, as a socially conscious person, enmeshed with family, friends and institutions must live. *Conduct a dialogue with it about its expression and your limits. Shift between being the archetype and yourself as appropriate. *Ask it if it has rivals. *Establish a similar DIALOGUE with any RIVAL ARCHETYPES suggested by the one with whom you initially spoke. *Become each rival archetype and dialogue with the other archetype until you and they feel unity. *Agree on a ritual and a place you and the archetype can meet again. *Perform a mental ritual to transit you back to ordinary reality. *Tell me how you can TRANSLATE what you learned from these dialogues INTO YOUR LIFE this week. *Take me through the cues. **Share your results on this site.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 05:01:18 +0000

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