ANUNNAKI MOVED GIANT ROCKS WITH INVERSE PIEZOELECTRICITY & CEMENTED STONE INTO MOLECULAR CONCRETE TO MAKE MEGALITHIC STRUCTURES Inverse Piezoelectricy & Molecular Concrete Excerpt from “ANUNNAKI: GODS NO MORE: Techno-Savvy ET s From the Planet Nibiru Who Came For Gold, Created Us From Their Genome to Work the Mines, Posed As Gods, Decided to Let Us Drown, But Then Decided to Breed Us to Work for Them by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) Inverse Piezoelectricy--The Hutchenson Effect After the Anunnaki and other ET builders employed tools with drilling and cutting capacities beyond any we yet possess (unless our clandestine military has such tools) they pushed the stones into place from their craft or by a 3-foot long sonar device shaped like a ice-cream cone. They took stones from the size of airplanes to the size automobiles to make landing platforms, metallurgy facilities, power-generating pyramids, observatories, palaces, statues, roads, walls, cities and, in the south of Africa, millions of miles of electronic conveyance lanes. The builders choose granite rocks with lots of quartz crystal and iron sensitive to electricity. After they extracted the rocks, the builders ran electricity into them which the iron conveys and which makes the granite-crystal, briefly weightless. The blocks are then moved effortlessly through the air, perhaps with high tech pusher beams of energy from aircraft. Gigantic blocks of granite could be moved with little effort, no matter how much they weigh when not having pa powerful electric charge put on them. For Ollantaytambu in Peru, the pusher-beams made giant rectangular-shaped cut-granite blocks jump from the quarry to slides above rivers between the quarry and the destination. The beams pushed the stones over the edge, where the builders made them jump across the river and up the other side of its canyon to building sites, where the builders carefully put the rocks in place in structures. They poured liquid metal down drill holes and stapled the rocks together with metal staples. Some of the stones of 100 and more tons at Earths sites dating back tens of thousands of years feature stones quarried miles away from the sites. The quarries exhibit hollows where the stones were cut from the earth, and finished but abandoned stones as well. Preah, the half-Anunnaki who created the megalithic launch pad at Angkor Wat, Cambodia, used a power tool and weapon of mass destruction our ancestors called a “sword.” His sword “thin as a feather, not of metal, but of light “more blinding than the sun.” With his “sword” he cut stone. With it, he could cut a ceramic jug so finely down the middle that the water only ran out when the two halves fell apart. Our ancestors called Preah’s laser or a plasma beam tool a “sword.” A plasma beam bunches charged particles that glow as they cut through everything as they respond to targeted magnetic fields. Ancient Chinese called the beam a yin-yang mirror. Molecular Concrete Preah and later kings reduced local sandstone to a slushy concrete. They poured the sandstone concrete into molds that formed continuous mile-long walls on four sides of the temple complex. The walls nestle within a canal that surrounds the temple. Preah poured “magical water onto stone, which made the stone into a concrete which hardened in place as blocks in the structures of Angkor. We of this century also have a substance that can liquify stone: Brown’s gas. If we melt rock with one of our technologies, Preah surely did with Anunnaki technology, long before Brown. Brown’s gas melts rock, ceramic and brick into stuff that looks like fused glass, way harder than the original rock. Browns Gas mixes di-atomic and mono-atomic hydrogen and oxygen in an electrolyzer that splits water into its elements of hydrogen and oxygen in their mono-atomic state, H hydrogen and O oxygen. 442.4 Kcal added per mole H and O keeps them monoatomic. The archway that leads, as youll read, to Pumapunka from Tiahuanacu on Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, was patched up with a super concrete that had the original stone as one of its components and could therefore make a molecular bond instead of a chemical one like modern cement does. See the illustrations and discussion of Anunnaki sites at enkispeaks/2012/03/16/massive-masonry-documents-et-know-how-beyond-ours-validate-sumers-data-datum-13/
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 19:43:40 +0000

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