ANXIETY SCALE 0 – RELAXATION – Calm, a feeling of being - TopicsExpress


ANXIETY SCALE 0 – RELAXATION – Calm, a feeling of being undistracted and at peace 1 - SLIGHT ANXIETY – Passing twinge of anxiety, feeling slightly nervous 2 – MILD ANXIETY – Butterflies in stomach, muscle tension, definitely nervous. 3 – MODERATE ANXIETY – Feeling uncomfortable but still in control; heart starting to beat faster; more rapid breathing; sweaty palms 4 – MARKED ANXIETY – Feeling uncomfortable or ‘spacey’; heart beating fast; muscles tight; beginning to wonder about maintaining control 5 – EARLY PANIC – Heart pounding or beating irregularly; constricted breathing; spaciness or dizziness; definite fear of losing control; compulsion to escape. 6 – MODERATE PANIC ATTACK – Palpitations; difficulty breathing, feeling disoriented or detached (feeling of unreality); panic in response to perceived loss of control. 7-10 – MAJOR PANIC ATTACK – All of the symptoms in Level 6 exaggerated; terror; fear of going crazy or dying; compulsion to escape.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 21:27:25 +0000

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