ANXIETY, worry, and fear will cancel out trust, wholeness, and - TopicsExpress


ANXIETY, worry, and fear will cancel out trust, wholeness, and security every time. We live in a broken world, and if you look at the big picture it seems to be getting worse not better. The Scriptures declare, Perilous times will come in the last days. Folks, I take it on good reliable resources that we are living in the last days. Now, more than ever before in the history of mankind it is time to detach from this world, and attach ourselves to Gods Kingdom through Jesus Christ our blessed hope. There are many promises given to us by the God of the Bible. Thats why it is very important that we believe that the Bible is Gods Word, and that He is not a liar nor is He unfaithful to His promises. Jesus said: For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they...? Concern differs from anxiety We must be careful not to confuse concern with anxiety. It is normal for a Christian to care. Concern motivates us to intercede and take godly action toward meeting other people’s needs or our own. We are to be concerned, for example, about our families, staying healthy, and doing a good job at work. Concern involves wanting to do everything as best we can so that God receives glory from our lives. Simply put concern is positive, forward-looking, and constructive. Anxiety is the opposite—counterproductive, stuck in the past, and negative. One motivates us to take action, whereas the other is paralyzing. Let me be clear—concern may be marked with tears, thoughtful reflection, and quiet time for meditation. But in the end, it leads us to make decisions, not linger in fear. In difficult circumstances, a believer can fall into a downward spiral of anxiety. Or he can pray something like this: Heavenly Father, I bring this worry to you. It’s beyond my control and influence. While I feel helpless in this situation, I know You have the power to make it right. Show me how to respond to this situation, and I will obey. We can always trust in the promises of God found in Scripture. Friend, this is the way of peace—the road out of anxiety and worry.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 14:36:11 +0000

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