ANYONE INTERESTED IN A MINI RETREAT, CLOSE TO HOME? From the 20th to the 22nd of May Claudia Smiths teacher, Ellen de Jonge will be leading a Vinyasa Flow Immersion weekend at The Abbey in Sutton Courtenay, just 10 miles south of Oxford. The price for the whole weekend is £289 with accommodation but as it is fairly local it may be that some of you would like to attend the classes but do not need accommodation. If this is the case please get in touch as there are still some places left. For booking please contact Ginny or George Call: 07791 165998 or 07784141303 Email: info@thespacethame Please find below a note from Ellen on what we will be doing and a link below that to the event page with more pictures and info. I am so looking forward to our time together in the UK. The asana/postures we will be practicing on the mat during the weekend will be Vinyasa Krama. This term describes the ‘right energetic way to flow’ where space for growth and self-exploration is created. You may find yourselves in postures and ways of thinking, even ays of being, that you have never visited before; this is the power of Vinyasa. Exciting! Each practice will be focused on a specific topic and vayu. Vayu is the general term given to the directions and qualities of the movement in which Prana flows. There are 4 main vayus and each one has a specific intention or health benefit, for example in balancing a downward moving vayu you are aiding digestion and elimination. My hope is that over the weekend you will have an idea of how you can create a practice that suits your individual needs - Because it is all about feeling good, not forcing ourselves into being something that we are not! We will look at creating a sankalpa, an intention or affirmation that is personally suited to you. We will have some time to discuss what we would like to change in our lives and share some ideas about how to go about making those changes. Of course the weekend would not be complete without some meditation practices. Our meditations will be guided and I will offer you some meditation techniques to practice at home. Throughout the weekend you will feel the wisdom of the Eight fold path of Patanjali (ancient yogic philosophy) and we will look at how to incorporate these recommendations for healthy living into your own daily life. We will work hard this weekend, but there will also be plenty of free time to be by yourself, to do some thinking (because it can be sometimes irritating to have to listen to me all the time, haha) - or no thinking at all if that’s what you would prefer. It is important that we provide ourselves with some time to be quiet, to reflect, to allow our body and mind to integrate the practices and learnings. Love, Ellen https://facebook/events/575012449261947/?ref=2&ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 07:44:54 +0000

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