ANYONE KNOW ANYONE IN ILLINOIS? WITH FRIENDS/FAMILY? ARE YOU SURE? WELL, LETS PUT IT ANOTHER WAY: THEY STILL HAVE AN EFFECT ON THE WHOLE COUNTRY, SO SEND THIS OUT ON THE PRETENSE - REAL, IMAGINED, OR FEIGNED - THAT YOURE SUFFERING FROM MEMORY LOSS! huffingtonpost/2014/03/18/bruce-rauner-primary_n_4982111.html A CONVERSATION FROM ANOTHER PAGE WAS INITIATED WITH THE AFOR MENTIONED ARTICLE. MINE WAS THE FIRST RESPONSE: Rauner says he would model his governorship after those of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels. Both significantly rolled back union power in what they said were necessary steps to attract business and reduce costs. Rauner defeated state Sens. Bill Brady and Kirk Dillard and state Treasurer Dan Rutherford in the primary. THE UNIONS, HOWEVER IMPERFECT, ARE THE ONLY REASON THE MINIMUM WAGE WAS BROUGHT INTO PLACE. Venture capitalist Bruce Rauner IS ENOUGH TO SET ME OFF TO START WITH. SO I DID SOME HOMEWORK: Bruce Rauner - Wikipedia Business career Rauner was the Chairman of private equity firm GTCR, where he had worked for more than 30 years, until he retired in October 2012. A number of state pension funds, including those of Illinois, have invested in GTCR, whose funds have regularly outperformed other private equity investment funds as well as the stock market. After leaving GTCR, Rauner opened an office for a self-financed venture firm, R8 Capital Partners. The firm will invest up to $15 million in smaller Illinois companies. Rauner is the current Chairman of the Education Committee of the Civic Committee of The Commercial Club of Chicago, Co-Chairman of the Chicago-China Initiative, and Chairman of ACT Charter School. He also served as Chairman of Choose Chicago, the not-for-profit that serves as the citys convention and tourism bureau, resigning in May 2013, and as Chairman of the Chicago Public Education Fund. THIS LITTLE BIT: Rauner was the Chairman of private equity firm GTCR, where he had worked for more than 30 years, until he retired in October 2012. A number of state pension funds, including those of Illinois, have invested in GTCR, whose funds have regularly outperformed other private equity investment funds as well as the stock market. SET MY TEETH ON EDGE, SO I HIGHLIGHTED THE GTCR... UPON DOING SO, I FOUND THIS: GTCR LLC is a private equity firm focused on leveraged buyout, leveraged recapitalization, growth capital and rollup transactions. Since 1980, GTCR has invested more than $10 billion in over 200 companies. The firm principally invests in high-growth industries, including financial services & technology, healthcare, information services & technology, and growth business services. The firm is based in Chicago and has more than 80 employees, including over 40 investment professionals. WHICH TELLS ME THAT HE REPRESENTS A SOLID CHUNK OF WHAT HAS RUINED/IS RUINING WHAT SHRED OF DECENCY AND SMALL PRIVATE BUSINESS, DECENT JOBS, ETC EVER EXISTED IN THIS COUNTRY. ETHICS, EVEN AT THE LEVEL OF COMMON DECENCY, ARE NOT IN THIS MANS PORTFOLIO! WELL SEE...
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 06:29:36 +0000

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