ANZAC Funding Grants - Official Media Release: Thank you Lily - TopicsExpress


ANZAC Funding Grants - Official Media Release: Thank you Lily Sheels for the Informaton and Share: Local Anzac Centenary Grants Open Now June 19, 2013 $100,000 has been granted to each Federal electorate in Australia for small, local projects to commemorate the involvement, service and sacrifice of servicemen and women in the First World War. The 100 year ago commemoration of World War I occurs in 2014. ‘I am now accepting applications for the first round of Murray Electorate grants which need to be lodged at my office by July 15, 2013,’ said Dr Sharman Stone the Federal Member for Murray. ‘There will be a total of $20,000 allocated per local government area to each of the 5 shires in my electorate, to be distributed over two rounds of assessment.’ I have formed up a local committee to review all applications to then make recommendations to the Minister of Defence for the final decisions to be made. ‘Communities or organisations might like to submit an application for a school based project, a community event, restoration of an existing First World War memorial or for a new permanent memorial,’ suggests Sharman Stone. ‘Projects must meet the eligibility guidelines published by the Minister and will be assessed against criteria such as community support and recognition of the sacrifices of locals in the First World War.’ Further details can be found on the website or you can contact Sharman Stone’s office on 58215371 for more information, or call at her office at 426 Wyndham Street Shepparton for a copy of the guidelines and application form.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 06:11:46 +0000

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