APC - A PERFECT CHOICE FOR CHANGE - by: Osita Okechukwu Why is - TopicsExpress


APC - A PERFECT CHOICE FOR CHANGE - by: Osita Okechukwu Why is APC a Perfect Choice for Change? We are the only progressive party in Nigeria, anchored on the fine tenets of social democracy, socio-economic-rights and the imperative to invest public funds in development of critical infrastructure. Our Manifesto captures the social contract with the people in 8 Point Agenda:- War Against Corruption Food Security Accelerated Power Supply Integrated Transport Network Free Education Devolution of Power Accelerated Economic Growth Affordable Health Care APC unlike our contemporary, the Peoples Democratic Party {PDP} maintains that we have business in business, sincerely believes that our economy is a primitive one and hence the provision of five development banks in our Manifesto, interalia:- Bank for Construction and Infrastructure Bank for Education Bank for Commerce and Small Enterprises Bank for Health and Social Services Bank for Agriculture {strengthened and expanded} We shall set up these banks, come 2015, because of the high interest rate charged in Nigeria by commercial banks. The gross unemployment in the country is tangential to high interest rate that hovers around 20%, which makes it impossible for industrialists to borrow. Importers mostly patronize the banks, more than the real sector, because of prohibitive interest rate. For the avoidance of doubt, our mechanism for the survival of these state banks is our determination to enthrone zero-tolerance-of-corruption. APC, unlike the PDP is committed to wage strident War Against Corruption; otherwise our post-oil-economy will be disastrous. For it is our considered view that none of our cardinal programs will succeed if the current level of corruption and looting going on in the land is allowed to continue. Regrettably, corruption no doubt is the bane of our development and we are witnesses of how the corruption tainted petroleum products importation has crippled our economy and converted Nigeria from Oil Exporting Country {OPEC} to Oil Importing Country {OPIC}. We share the national consensus and it pains us that Nigeria is sliding dangerously into a failed state. Hope you share the pain with us that Nigeria is not truly a giant of Africa? Lastly, as Ndigbo we reasoned that the interest of our people will be best served under a corrupt free state, based on hard work, competition and enterprise. One devoid of crass patronage, the mentality of food is ready and share the money; as is the case with the ruling PDP in the last 14 years. PDP’s philosophy is food is ready and share the money and Ndigbo from historical records are not prone to patronage or prebendial tendency. Ndigbo are the largest population in the 5 South East States and Abuja and second to the indigenous people in 27 States of the country. With all the support of Ndigbo to PDP, they couldn’t consider it fit to zone Ndigbo in the official protocol list: President Vice President Senate President Speaker And even Chairman of the party with all the support over the years to PDP. What is good for Nigeria is good for Ndigbo. Therefore we joined APC to return our people to their original abode. Mr. Osita Okechukwu Chieftain of APC. Like this page Via Sefansms
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 06:14:39 +0000

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