APC Catches PDP Disease Steve Nwosu couldnt have put it any - TopicsExpress


APC Catches PDP Disease Steve Nwosu couldnt have put it any better in his column Frank Talk where he diagnosed the APC of suffering from a disease called PDP-litis. Hear him! All is not well with the APC. The mega opposition party that held so much promise a few months ago has suddenly contacted PDP-litis, a disease that manifests in the form of myopia and over bloated, egg-shell ego. The disease also makes it impossible for the sufferer to see beyond his nose, which now makes him to see every calamity (including self-inflicted calamities), as the handiwork of the enemies and detractors, in the form of political opponents. In the PDP, the disease manifests, as a phobia whereby every criticism of government policy - no matter how dispassionate, is interpreted as direct attack on Jonathan sponsored by Bola Tinubu and the APC, targeted at denying him a second bite of the presidential cherry in 2015. It is indeed sad as one couldnt help but notice that the APC is beginning to look like the PDP in all shape and ramification as 2015 draws closer. It is even sadder to note that six months to the 2015 presidential election, the APC do not have a presidential candidate. It is only Jonathan (whose body language suggests that he will be on the ballot) and the PDP that are campaigning illegally, since INEC has not yet lifted the lid and embargo on campaigns. Perhaps if youre one of those deceived by the zonal rallies of the PDP across the six geopolitical zones, then you need to have your brains restored to default settings, if you did not realize that the PDP were campaigning unofficially. How did the APC lost the plot? They were busy telling us not to vote for Jonathan without telling us who to vote for. This much was aptly capture by Steve Nwosu. The APC labeled Jonathan as clueless and were busy criticising his many gaffe and goofs. Now that the music has changed, the APC have failed to heed that inimitable words of evolutionary scientist, Charles Darwin, is it(?), who posited that CHANGE is the only constant thing in life. There is still hope however, for the time is always right to do what is right. The APC should as a matter of urgent national interest go back to the drawing board and restrategise on how to sell the party and make it attractive to Nigerians. By Nigerians, I am speaking about the SPECTATORS, who auguably make up the worlds largest pool of SPECTOCRATE in political discuss. Yes you are a spectator if the political process in your country does not inhere in you, your choices or preferment in electoral contest. For this class of people, it does not matter whether they exercise their universal suffrage or not, the winner has already been predetermined. O ye Spectocrate littered all over the Lugardian enclave, tell it not in Gath, nor in the streets of Askelon, less the uncircumcized rejoice and the daughters of the Philistine exalts, for there are so many things that did not count before your single vote. It is because of these things that citizens of the world elsewhere are referred to as Electorate, because they are part and parcel of the process of deciding who they entrust with the mandates to pilot their affairs according to agreed terms and conditions. Only in Nigeria (apologies Chief Asara Asara, a Federal Government delegate from the state of Bayelsa to the Jonathan circus wrongly dubbed as National CONFAB) will you have an election whereby the number of those who did not bother to turn out and cast their vote on election day, is more than sufficient to change the outcome of the exercise. The opposition party should as a matter of urgency start appealing to the sentiment of the largest pool of Spectocrate who are so dispirited to such an extend that they would rather sit at home and complain on election days. This are the people the APC should be talking to, instead of wasting their energy on Goodluck Jonathans shenanigans, which are legion. You want to KICK Jonathan out of his LOOTING post? It is possible only if you appeal to the right people who have the power to send Jonathan back to Otuoke with the powers in their thumb. Once you capture the docile spectators and get them involved in the process, to queue behind you, the Otuokean shall be history! Until then, criticise Jonathan from Zungeru to Modakeke, from Shiroro to Aganabode, from Umuahia to Gashua, from Potiskum to Badagry and what have you, that will amount to talking to stones, as the ONLY CREED in the bible as far as career Jonathanians are concerned is: President Jonathan is the STATE, he can do NO WRONG. A word is enough for the wise! Peace, am out. SA
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 10:35:19 +0000

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