APC Councilor Defies Court Order By Abdul K Turay It now seems - TopicsExpress


APC Councilor Defies Court Order By Abdul K Turay It now seems clear that the All Peoples’ Congress (APC) party Councillor for Ward 358, Constituency 100, Councillor Hajaratu Samura has defied a High Court order given by Honourable Justice Musu Kamara of the Freetown High Court of Sierra Leone in the matter between the United Church of God and three defendants including the Councillor. The Councilor’s private residence was this week raided by Bailiffs and properties worth millions of Leones were carted away under the watchful eyes of the Police. According to Justice Musu Kamara’s 30th May 2014 order in the High Court Of Sierra Leone, Land and Property Division upon hearing the Notice of Motion dated 14th day of April 2013 together with affidavit in support upon hearing AS Marah, counsel for the church as plaintiff, granted the plaintiff/Applicant to recover possession of all that piece of land situate, lying and being at New Castle Street, Kissy with survey plan LS No.180/11 date 16th September 2011 attached to a Deed of Conveyance registered at Page 33 in Volume 115 of the record books of the voluntary conveyance. It further stated “ that an injunction is hereby issued against the defendants by themselves, their servants, agents, privies from entering, remaining, interfering or dealing with the above mentioned piece and parcel of land in a matter or any manner inconsistent with the possessory title of the plaintiff herein”. The cost was assessed at Le 2,500,000.00 to be borne by the defendants in any event. Again on the 14th day of July 2014 the court also issued an order upon hearing AS Marah Esq. of council for the plaintiff, The United Church Of God that the court do hereby grant the UCG leave to issue a writ of possession against the defendants in respect of all that disputed piece and parcel of land and added “that costs of this application assessed at Le 1,500,000.00 be borne by the defendants in any event”. The councilor and the other two co-defendants, according to the ruling are expected by the court to pay the total sum of Le4, 000,000.00. It is clear that if the Councillor had paid the money before, Monday’s incident would have been avoided. The Councilor without foreseeing the embarrassment her defiance might cause her went ahead to ignore the court order and refused to pay the sum of Le 4,000,000.00.It was for this reason that the court ordered bailiffs to enter her house and remove properties worth millions of Leones commensurate to the total sum. Though the councilor was not arrested, but two close relatives whom police source confirmed resisted the execution of the order were arrested. They have so far being released on conditions not clearly explained. Councillor Hajaratu Samura since the incident has not commented on what she intends to do next.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 16:57:11 +0000

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