APC DRAFT MANIFESTO: ROAD MAP TO A NEW NIGERIA Perusing the draft document reveals the following features which I think tends to belittle the enormous work done - Most points of action presented do not have time lines & measurable parameters attached to them. consider bullet 1. under the heading BUILD ROADS, POWER & INFRASTRUCTURE: - Construct an interstate rail & highway system that links major cities and centres of production. How many kilometres of rail/highway do APC plan to construct & in how many years do they intend to achieve that? How do I as an electorate evaluate your performance say halfway into your tenure when you eventually form Govt? You find numerous other gaps that are similar to the one stated above going through the draft. The onus is on the ultra Nationalists we have in the Mega Opposition Party to show the world that this time around, Nigerians are capable of doing things differently. Let your plans of action (manifesto or what ever you call it) appear SMARTer than what is being bandied around. I WANT TO GENERATE POWER TO TURN INDUSTRIAL MACHINES. I ask: how many megawatts & in how many years do you intend doing that. These are minor details we ignored right from the onset and now we are cultivating a manifest ineptitude for that. We failed to read between the lines due to sentiments. Nigerians cannot afford serial incompetence.... COMMON APC! DONT BE AN OPPOSITION PARTY OF CONVENIENCE, THINK WELL AND PROVIDE SOLUTIONS TO THE MYRIAD OF CHALLENGES AT HAND.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 10:47:41 +0000

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