APC Plots To Impeach Fayose In October — PDP - TopicsExpress


APC Plots To Impeach Fayose In October — PDP Loyalists •I’m not aware of such plans – Lai Muhammed •It’s absolute falsehood – Ekiti APC •We’re waiting for them – Fayose’s aides If the alleged permutations of the leadership of the All Progressives Congress (APC) are anything to go by, Ekiti State governor-elect, Peter Ayodele Fayose, has every cause to be concerned, as plans are purportedly brewing to make his tenure short-lived, just like it happened during his first term in office, which abruptly ended with an impeachment in October 2006. The latest plot to remove Fayose from office, for a second time, according to sources within the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), was orchestrated last week in the South West by top shots within the APC, who felt that, removing Fayose will improve the lots of the APC. The highly-placed sources, who pleaded anonymity, informed Sunday Newswatch that the plan is aimed at hurriedly checkmating Fayose, shortly after his swearing-in ceremony on October 16, thereby preventing him from having a strong hold on the state. The other reason adduced by the sources is that the plot would enable the state lawmakers have the negotiating power necessary for their return to office towards the 2015 election, as it would give the APC-dominated Assembly an upper hand against Fayose’s deputy, who would then have mounted the saddle. The 25 APC lawmakers are equally said to be jittery that, with Fayose in office, the PDP may sweep the polls during the February 14, 2015 state House of Assembly election. When Sunday Newswatch inquired to know the legitimacy of such action as the ‘new governor’ couldn’t have committed an impeachable offence within one week in office, one of the sources was quick to point out that the “APC intends to rely on the doctrine that government is a continuum,” and that any offence committed during Fayose’s first term can still count against him. In his opinion, a PDP stalwart, who is also a legal practitioner, said the APC would argue that Fayose can be nailed with the cases filed against him by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) during his chequered first term. “Let me play the devil’s advocate, and act as a lawyer now. Legally speaking, Fayose is standing trial on two-count charges, he has allegations of fraud and murder pending against him, and as lawmakers; they have a duty to look into these allegations. “Irrespective of what is happening at the court of law, the Assembly can claim to do its own part in protecting the sacred institution of government.” But when reminded that the same Ekiti people he was talking about just voted Fayose in a landslide win, he said, “The APC has told us not to be carried away by the so-called victory; they said the election was scientifically manipulated, and that their people were scared away from voting. “The whole world knows that Fayose won fair and square, the election was free and fair. But the APC said the state was militarised by the PDP-led Federal Government; that it was a systematic way of disenfranchising their people. So they are going to court, claiming that most of their supporters were not allowed to vote, that some were even arrested. “They will claim in court that a lot of people were stopped from entering the state, before the election, and that some of them were supposed to vote for APC. All these, they will argue in court.” He continued: “Their party has said it clearly; they are approaching the court to determine the fundamentals, the basis of the election. They claimed that their people were scared away from voting, and systematically disenfranchised, as if others were not in the state. “As a party, APC has the right to protest through the courts, and that is where our own party (PDP), will tell them that they are wrong,” she lamented. However, APC chieftains have denied any knowledge of the plot, saying that it is an imagination of people within the PDP. Spokesman for the party, Alhaji Lai Mohammed told Sunday Newswatch that the party did not at any time meet to take such a decision. According to him, it must be the imagination of some funny political jobbers. Mohammed said: “As far as I know, there was no such decision taken at any time by the party. If such directive is given, I think I am in a position to know, and I am telling you there was no such thing. I am not aware. It must be the imagination of somebody.” Ekiti State chapter of the APC also denied the insinuation that the leadership of the party had instructed the state House of Assembly to commence the impeachment of Fayose, immediately after his swearing in. The APC Chairman in Ekiti State, Chief Jide Awe, described the allegation as laughable. “APC is a party of serious-minded people with no time for frivolities. Our members are men of integrity. How can we instruct our legislature to impeach a newly sworn-in governor? What for? What offence has he committed?” The APC chieftain told Sunday Newswatch that before a governor is impeached, he must have committed not just one offence, but many serious offences. Moreover, the state Publicity Secretary of the PDP, Pastor Kola Oluwawole, said the party was not aware of the plan to get Fayose impeached. He, however, said that he could not trust the APC, because “they are capable of doing anything in their desperation for power.” However, the Fayose group is not taking the matter with a pinch of salt. Despite the denial by the APC leadership, some PDP members in the state said they were battle-ready against the alleged game plan of the APC, while vowing to match the party with all it takes. The PDP spokesman said, “Fayose’s election is God’s own project that can never be frustrated by any group of people. We are not aware of the plan to impeach his Excellency, Ayodele Fayose. What offence would they say he has committed?” he queried. Media Aide to Fayose, Mr. Idowu Adelusi, confirmed that nobody in their camp was aware of such a development. “Now that I have just heard this, we shall work on the information, but I can tell you that the legal adviser of the governor-elect is not even aware of what you are saying.” Another spokesman of the party in Ekiti, Lere Olayinka, told Sunday Newswatch that the group was not leaving anything to chance. “We know that APC is capable of any heinous crime, but they will fail. This is an evil plot against Ekiti people, not against Fayose. “It is a project that has failed, even before its commencement. They can never succeed. The people of Ekiti will resist this latest crime being plotted against the wishes of the Ekiti masses. “The people freely gave Fayose their mandate, and they will defend that mandate,” he vowed.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:50:58 +0000

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