APC Primaries for Makurdi / Guma Federal Constituency election: - TopicsExpress


APC Primaries for Makurdi / Guma Federal Constituency election: The summary of the story: When I decided to vie for House of Representatives seat of Makurdi / Guma, I made adequate consultation with leaders, elders, youth and women of the Federal Constituency across the different divides of tribe, religion and orientation. I was given an overwhelming approval to contest and I became most peoples favourite candidate. I was also the ONLY candidate that rolled out his legislative agenda. Fast forward to House of Reps primaries of Sunday, 7 December 2014; we went to the primaries venue at HAF Haven,Makurdi with full hopes knowing that our home work was properly done. We wanted to raise objection to the constitution of the Electoral committee as both men are clear members of the same cabal with our opponent. And for those who know our opponent, it is a truism that he is the candidate of the ever vilified state chairman of APC having caused lot of terrible damage to the party together. We still went ahead knowing that we got majority of the ward excos within the 21 Council Wards of our Federal Constituency. Instead of calling out the names of the wards in alphabetical order (as in all cases of conventions), the Presiding Officer started with calling out the strong bases of our opponent. Our strongest bases were reserved to be last. By the time 2 of our wards (North Bank ward 1 and Mbalagh ward)were still waiting together with the entirety of the 26 man Makurdi LG exco, the electoral committee claimed the Ballot papers were exhausted. Both contestants were invited together with their agents in the presence of the SSS, Police and INEC and asked to agree on a unanimous way forward. In order not to disenfranchise the over 75 delegates yet to vote, I suggested the adoption of the same child of necessity that was improvised to conduct the remaining elections for Makurdi South House of Assembly primaries and Buruku Fed Constituency elections. Plain papers were cut and signed at the back by both Agents after the Candidates had unanimously agreed so they can serve as Ballot papers. Elections were peacefully conducted, counting done and I emerged victorious as predicted by bookmakers. Election result was announced and approved by INEC, SSS and Police who all served as Observers. Whoop! There was no Result sheets to record the result. The committee claimed they werent given any! We decided to escort the committee to the state secretariat of APC to get the results properly filed and certificate of returns awarded to us. My supporters and I slept on the seats at the State secretariat just to keep watch over the result in possession of the Presiding Officer while we wait for the proper thing to be done in the morning. In the morning we got news of high level scheming and connivance of the party hierarchy, our opponent, Presiding Officer and the Supervising committee members from Abuja. After the plo t, members of the Supervising committee from Abuja walked into the secretariat at around 2 pm and invited both candidates. I was told in point blank language that the votes cast on the signed papers wont be considered! Meaning the 26 exco members each of the two wards and 26 of Makurdi LG exco are automatically disenfranchised! Knowing that I had almost 60 votes out of the about 75 votes cast. The committee did not mind the precedence set in the Makurdi South Assembly elections and Buruku Fed Constituency. INEC, SSS and Police that monitored the elections were refused invitation to present their report. Result sheet was immediately brought out and recorded victory for our opponent. This is how I came face to face with impunity! And because our opponent, Mr. Utaan Terhide Conrad knew he didnt win the election from the depth of his heart, he couldnt afford to smile nor even his 3 supporters present. The sober mood betrays their emotions. But we are sure that things cant continue like this Still consulting to consider availably proper options.... So, help me God!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 16:39:01 +0000

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