APHC Press Note To Sachnews Jammu Kashmir Srinagar, April 26: - TopicsExpress


APHC Press Note To Sachnews Jammu Kashmir Srinagar, April 26: Chairman All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Geelani termed the PDP patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed a staunch Indian and a wicked politician and rejected his unrealistic statement in which he have said that the solution of Kashmir issue lies within the Indian constitution and he also praised fake Kashmir vision and historic steps of Mr. Vajpayee. He said that the whole world knows that the forced occupation of Kashmir doesn’t have any moral or constitutional justification but Mufti Syeed Sahab and other pro-Indian politicians are advocating this forces occupation and are working in a planed way to strengthen this occupation. In Saturday’s press release, Geelani Sahab said that Mufti Sayeed had spent his whole life in serving the Indian policies under the banner of Congress and now on the directions of secret agencies, he have floated a new party PDP. This party is very expert in deceiving people by hallow slogans and in 2002 they grabbed the power in the name of “Gooli Nahi Booli” (talks against the bullets) policy and then they severely harmed the freedom struggle. Mufti Sayeed had also said that “the Mujahedeen need not to hide in forests now and I will represent them in the assembly”, but after that top Mujahedeen commanders were martyred under a planned scheme. Geelani Sahab reminded Mufti Sayeed his statement in which he said that “Give me 40 seats, I will solve the Kashmir issue”. The pro-freedom leader said that, how is the solution of Kashmir dispute possible under the Indian constitution where the Kashmiri Nation is struggling from last 66 years against forced occupation and sovereignty of India and about 6 lakh lives has been sacrificed, honour and dignity have lost and villages and towns were destroyed in this struggle. If Kashmiries had accepted the Indian constitution then there was no issue or no occupation. Geelani Sahab said that the Kashmir dispute is not the matter of good or bad governance which can be solved by changing government or the hands. This is an international level dispute which is the matter of the lives of 13 million people. He said that the Indian constitution is acceptable to Mufti Sayeed, Umar Abdullah and Saif-ud-din Soz like few people, while as the majority of population is struggling against the Indian occupation and they will not accept any solution which will be within the Indian constitution. So to talk solution of Kashmir within Indian constitution is an unrealistic and ridicules approach of Mufti Sayeed. This is an acceptable reality which Mufti Sayeed fully knows, but to appease the authorities in New Delhi he is taking this non-sense. Geelani Sahab termed this statement of Mufti Sayeed as ridicules in which he praised the Kashmir vision of Mr. Vajpayee. He said that it is a fake object which is being mentioned again and again. Vajpayee was not having any kind of extraordinary vision about Kashmir and he was not following any different policy on Kashmir. It is their (India) set policy to held dialogues with Pakistan and when international pressure mounts on India, they through the card of dialogue. Sometimes with Pakistan and sometimes with Kashmiri leadership, only to kill time and deceive the world community. These types of dialogue have been held more than 150 times till now, but due to the arrogance and rigidness of India, the Kashmir have not moved even an inch towards the solution. Geelani Sahab advised Mufti Sayeed that he should shun the politics of deceit now because the new generation of Kashmir has become politically enough mature and sensitive. They can’t be deceived with these flatters nor can they be fooled by these green flags and the symbol of Ink-pot and pen.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 15:20:00 +0000

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