APHC Press release: Chairman Syed Ali Geelani today distributed - TopicsExpress


APHC Press release: Chairman Syed Ali Geelani today distributed relief cheques worth Rs five lakh and kits containing essential commodities among 50 flood affected families. Wednesday in a phase 14thcash distribution to the flood victims, Syed Ali Geelani gave away cheque for Rs 10000 and a relief kit to each of the more 50 flood affected families of district Kulgam and Budgam. Till now Tehreek e Hurriyat distributed cash relief package among 700 flood hit families. In his address to the flood affected families, Geelani while referring to Kashmir issue and world human rights situation in Kashmir, said that we as a nation from all regions including Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Azad Kashmir, Gilgit, Baltistan, Poonch, Doda, Ladakh and Karnah are striving against Indian occupation and together we should pursue our objective. Geelani added that no doubt we need basic amenities like roads, electricity, water and employment but there is no logic that we as occupied nation should take part in these election and cast our vote for this as we are paying tax and it is responsibility for occupied forces to realize their duty towards suppressed nations. Syed Ali Geelani on Human Rights Day said that General Assembly of United Nations in its charter for human rights has declared that all people are born equal and share equal rights. It is the duty of the member countries to provide and protect the basic rights to their people as guaranteed in UN Charter, said Geelani. But contrary to this situation is worst as suggested in UN charter and justice is nowhere prevailing, said Geelani and added that though regulations were formulated but for namesake as same are being tarnished by respective member countries. The weak nations are denied their fundamental rights while referring the worst conditions of detainees in Gonta Namobey, Geelani said that USA instead of its tall claims as custodians for human rights, has made their life miserable. Geelani in his statement said that the minorities in India feel insecure and since 1947 India with its arrogance is denying their fundamental rights. Geelani said that though no doubt all member countries of UN including 57 Muslim countries celebrate this day with fervor yet hundreds of political opponents in Egypt were executed and similarly in Bangla Desh administration is awarding death sentences to its opponents. Geelani said that United Nation has lost its credibility as it failed to safeguard the fundamental rights for deprived and weak nations. Referring to worst human rights violations in Kashmir, Geelani said that India with its might is denying our fundamental rights and though Ban Ki -Moon in his statement has suggested the solution for Kashmir dispute through dialogue but the issue needs substantial support from world bodies, said Geelani. Stubbornness of India is the main hurdle, and Ban Ki-moon and United Nations share their responsibility to impress India for a just solution and through plebiscite. Geelani while seeking intervention of world body, said, that all countries and United Nations should act as it is their moral obligation and responsibility to take cognizance of human rights violations in valley.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:38:34 +0000

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